0  406584  406592  406598  406602  406608  406610  406614  406620  406622  406628  406634  406638  406640  406644  406650  406652  406658  406662  406664  406668  406670  406674  406676  406678  406679  406680  406682  406683  406684  406686  406688  406692  406694  406698  406700  406704  406710  406712  406718  406722  406724  406728  406734  406740  406742  406748  406752  406754  406760  406764  406770  406778  447090 

13、”If anybody    ,please put down    name,”said the teacher to the monitor.

A、wants to buy the book;his   B、want to buy the book;their 

C、will buy the book;one’s  D、wants to have the book bought;her


12、Either the teachers or the president    the meeting.

A、attends   B、attend   C、are attending   D、have attended


11、One and a half days    all I can spare.Don’t forget the apples.

One and a half apples   left on the table.

A、is;are   B、are;is   C、was;were    D、were;was


10、Reading books   one wise.

A、made   B、makes   C、make    D、have made


9、   not only you but also he going to Beijing?

A、Are  B、Is    C、Were   D、Was


8、A horse and carriage    not much used nowadays.

A、is   B、are   C、were   D、is to be


7、The speakers at the meeting agreed that the ways in which television can educate a person

   almost infinite.

A、be   B、are   C、is    D、was


6、I think Tom,   you,   to blame.

A、rather than;is   B、rather than;are    C、more than;are    D、less than;is


5、This pair of trousers    his brother’s.

A、is   B、are   C、be   D、were


4、Many a child   to walk before he can speak.

A、learn   B、learns   C、learned    D、have learned

