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961] Nobody enjoys _____.

[译文] 没有人喜欢被瞧不起。

  A. being looked down upon   B. looking down upon

  C. being looked down   D. to look down

[答案及简析] A。 enjoy后面跟名词或动名词;此句中需要动名词的被动形式,瞧不起是:look down upon


960] His parents died, so he had to _____ himself.

[译文] 他的父母去世了,他的自己养活自己。

  A. support   B. raise

  C. rise   D. bring up

[答案及简析] A。 动词辨异。Support 指在经济上自己供给自己;bring up= raise养育,使长大。


959] That’s a _____ good idea.

[译文] 那是一个相当好的主意。

  A. beautiful   B. pretty

  C. well   D. much

[答案及简析] B。 pretty good 构成固定搭配,"相当好"的意思。


958] -----What’s the assignment? ----- I don’t know. I didn’t hear _____.

[译文] -那个作业是什么? --我不知道。我没听到教授说的什么。

  A. that the professor said   B. which the professor said

  C. what the professor says   D. what the professor said

[答案及简析] D。 名词性从句中,如果主句中缺宾语,从句中缺宾语,一般用waht引导宾语从句。


957] -----Your daughter has two children, doesn’t she? -----That’s right. She _____ in 1972.

[译文] --你女儿有了两个孩子是么? --嗯。她在1972年就结婚了。

  A. did marriage   B. was married to

  C. married with John   D. got married

[答案及简析] D。 get married 指变化;be married表状态。


956] He was sure that Mathilde had lost her necklace _____ in the palace _____ on her way home.

[译文] 他肯定Mathilde要么是在宫廷,要么是在回家的路上丢的项链。

  A. either; or   B. neither; or

  C. not only; but also   D. both; and

[答案及简析] A。 丢东西只能在一个地方丢,故只能用either…or…。


955] You may take _____ book you like.

[译文] 你可以拿走你喜欢的任何一本书。

  A. which   B. only

  C. whichever   D. what

[答案及简析] C。 whichever表示强调,"任何一个…"


954] The cloth _____ this coat is made is produced in Nanjing.

[译文] 制成这种衣服的布料是南京产的。

  A. of which   B. for which

  C. from which   D. with which

[答案及简析] A。 be made of 由…制造(是物理变化)


953] Mary failed to pass the maths examination, but she had tried her best _____.

[译文] 玛莉数学考试没及格,但毕竟是尽了力的。

  A. but also   B. after all

  C. either   D. at all

[答案及简析] B。 after all 毕竟,终究。


952] _____ English is his favourite subject.

[译文] 我问他英语是否是他最喜欢的科目。

  A. I asked him if   B. I asked him that whether

  C. I asked him that   D. I asked him which

[答案及简析] A。 if 这儿是是否之意。

