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1021] The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks, _____ that he had enjoyed his stay here.

[译文] 来访部长用他的演讲表达了他的满意,同时补充道他在这儿过得很愉快。

  A. having added   B. to add

  C. adding   D. added

[答案及简析] C。 现在分词短语做状语,其动作由主语发出来。


1020] I have no idea what these two letters _____.

[译文] 我不知道这两个字母代表什么。

  A. stand up   B. stand by

  C. stand for   D. stand at

[答案及简析] C。 动词短语辨异,stand up站起来,起立;stand by站在旁边;stand for代表。


1019] Shanghai lies ______ the west of the Pacific Ocean.

[译文] 上海位于太平洋西边。

  A. to   B. on

  C. in   D. along

[答案及简析] B。 to 以外;on 紧接(近旁);in在之内。


1018] He divided the sweets _____ the children who were divided ______ three groups.

[译文] 他把糖果分给孩子们, 这些孩子分成三组。

  A. in; in   B. into; into 

  C. between; in   D. among; into

[答案及简析] D。 divide sth. among sb. 在三个以上的人中分东西;divide sh. Into sth.把…分成几组。


1017] During the days _____, he worked as a servant.

[译文] 在随后的日子里, 他是仆人。

  A. to follow   B. that followed

  C. followed   D. following

[答案及简析] B。 定语从句,先行词days在从句中充当主语。


1016] Bob said he would go to Paris and stay there for ______ the next year.

[译文] Bob说他要到巴黎去,要在那儿呆到次年。

  A. some time   B. sometime

  C. sometimes   D. some times

[答案及简析] A。 some time 一段时间;sometime (过去或将来的)某个时候; sometimes 优势;some times几次。


1015] John is a _____ speaker of English.

[译文] 约翰是以英语为本族语的人。

  A. native   B. national

  C. nature   D. natural

[答案及简析] A。 native speaker 讲母语的人;national 国家的,全国的。


1014] Would you please give _____ on how to learn English well?

[译文] 请你给一些如何学好英语的建议好吗?

  A. some piece of advice   B. some advice

  C. much advice   D. an advice

[答案及简析] B。 adivce 是不可数名词,如用piece of修饰,piece就要变成复数。


1013] The teacher praised him for ______ he had ______.

[译文] 因为他取得的成绩,老师表扬了他。

  A. the progresses; made   B. a progress; made

  C. the progress; made   D. the progress; taken

[答案及简析] C。 progress 是不可数名词。


1012] He _____ a doctor’s degree at th age of twenty-eight.

[译文] 在他二十八岁时,他取得了博士学位。

  A. won   B. accepted

  C. received   D. took

[答案及简析] D。 取得学位,动词常用take。

