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1061] The mother had her sons _____ the seeds out of the seed-head of the wheat and sow them the next day.

[译文] 母亲要孩子们把麦种从麦穗中敲出来,第二天要播种。

  A. knock   B. to knock

  C. knocked   D. knocking

[答案及简析] A。 knock … out of 把…从…敲出来。


1060] On Saturday afternoon, Mr Bob went to the market, _____ some bananas and visited his cousin.

[译文] 周六下午,Bob先生到市场买了一些香蕉去看望他的堂兄。

  A. bought   B. buying

  C. to buy   D. buy

[答案及简析] A。 由and连接的并列句。


1059] My father stuides _____ in his spare time.

[译文] 我父亲在他业余时间里研究农学。

  A. farm   B. farmer

  C. to farming   D. farming

[答案及简析] D。 farming 农学。


1058] These wet clothes should _____ to dry.

[译文] 那些湿衣服应该挂上风干。

  A. hung up   B. be hung up 

  C. hang up   D. be hanged up

[答案及简析] B。 hang "绞死"hanged, hanged;hang "悬挂"hung ,hung.


1057] No one can be sure _____ in a million years.

[译文] 没有人能肯定百万年后人类像什么样子。

  A. what men will look like   B. what will man look like

  C. man will look like what   D. what look will man look like

[答案及简析] A。 此句是宾语从句,应该是陈述语序。


1056] Mike asked me to _____ the mistakes in his excerxisebook.

[译文] Mike让我给他指出他作业本里的错误。

  A. point up   B. point to

  C. point out   D. point at

[答案及简析] C。 point out 指出;point to 指向(远处);point at指着(近处)。


1055] -----What is his wife like? ----- _______.

[译文] --她的妻子如何?  --很诚实。

  A. She likes dancing   B. Yes, she is pretty

  C. She is honest   D. She is a teacher

[答案及简析] C。 what is sb. like ?诗文某人的品质,性格,不能用yes, no回答。


1054] Every autumn peasants _____ the soil to destroy the weeds.

[译文] 每年秋天农民们翻整土地除去杂草。

  A. turne down   B. turn up

  C. turn on   D. turn over

[答案及简析] D。 turn down 调低;拒绝;turn over 翻转;turn up 出现,露面;turn on打开。


1053] The fire broke out suddenly and they _____ through the window.

[译文] 大火突然发生,他们从窗子冲出去了。

  A. rushed   B. walked

  C. flew   D. threw

[答案及简析] A。 rush 冲,奔。


1052] -----Would you like _____ shopping or only to stay at home? ----- Sorry, I’m so tired and I feel like _____with you.

[译文] --你打算去逛商店还是呆在家里?  --对不起,我太累了,想和你呆在一起。

  A. to go; to stay   B. to go; staying

  C. going ; staying   D. going; to stay

[答案及简析] B。 would like to do sth. 和feel like doing sth.两个句型结构。

