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1071] _____ no one in our class would make friends with her.

[译文] 几乎班上没有人愿意和她交朋友。

  A. Hardly   B. Only

  C. Nearly   D. Almost

[答案及简析] D。 副词用法辨异,hardly 不与no 连用;nearly,only不用于否定句;almost 可以和否定词连用。


1070] He is a man of _____ and he had _____ interesting _____ in his life.

[译文] 他是一位很有经验的人,也是一个一生中有很多有趣经历的人。

  A. much experience; a lot of; experiences   B. many experiences; much; experience

  C. many experiences; much; experiences   D. much experience; a lot of; experiences

[答案及简析] A。 experience作为"经验"是不可数名词;而作为"经历,体验"是可数名词。


1069] She’s _____ more than two hundred Chinese stamps since she came here.

[译文] 自从她来到这儿已经收集到了两百多张邮票了。

  A. gathered   B. gathering

  C. collecting   D. collected 

[答案及简析] D。 动词辨异。collect 有系统地有选择地收集;gather收集。


1068] It was a sunny day so I decided to do some ______ in my garden.

[译文] 今天是太阳天,我就决定在花园里侍弄花草。

  A. garden   B. gardening 

  C. gardens   D. gardenings

[答案及简析] B。 do gardening 侍弄花草。


1067] The output of our factory has increased _____ 30% ______ last year.

[译文] 我们工厂的产量与去年相比增长了百分之三十。

  A. in; on   B. at; about

  C. by; over   D. with; below

[答案及简析] C。 increase by 增加了;over 表示"与…相比"。


1066] He has many years’ experience ______ playing tennis.

[译文] 他有多年的打网球的经验。

  A. of   B. in

  C. about   D. at

[答案及简析] A。 一般说来,experience后面接介词in,但它的前面有many years’, long等词修饰,则将in变of为。


1065] Don’t forget to _____ your sister when we go to the party this evening.

[译文] 今天晚上去舞会,不要忘了带上你的妹妹。

  A. carry   B. bring

  C. get   D. take

[答案及简析] B。 bring sb. 带某人一同前往之意。


1063] _____ the day went on, the weather got worse.

[译文] 随着时间的推移,天气变得很糟。

  A. With   B. Since

  C. While   D. As

[答案及简析] D。 as 引导的时间状语从句,表示"随着"。


1062] Mother was qorried because litle sister was ill, especially _____ father was away in France.

[译文] 妈妈很着急,因为妹妹生病了,特别是爸爸远在法国。

  A. that   B. as

  C. during   D. if

[答案及简析] B。 as强调从句的动作与主句的动作同时发生。

