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1141] He _____ nobody but his two uncles _____ still smoking.

[译文] 他被告知,除了他的两个叔叔再也没有人抽烟了。

  A. told; was   B. was told; was

  C. told; were   D. was told; were

[答案及简析] B。 tell sb. sth. 后面的宾语是一个从句。


1140] It used to be a small village _____ what it is now.

[译文] 和现在相比,这儿过去一直是一个小村庄。

  A. compared with   B. compared about

  C. compare to   D. compare with

[答案及简析] A。 compared with和…作比较。


1139] The doctors were trying their best to save the _____ boy.

[译文] 医生们尽了他们的最大努力拯救这个临死的小孩。

  A. dead   B. died

  C. death   D. dying

[答案及简析] D。 dead 死的;dying临死的。


1138] Yet, the population of Scotland was eight times as large as ______.

[译文] 然而,Scotland的人口是Cornwall的八倍之多。

  A. Cornwall   B. that of Cornwall

  C. of Cornwall   D. one of Cornwall

[答案及简析] B。 在比较级中要注意比较对象的一致;该句是用that代替population。


1137] About 80% _____ the students _____ going home in few days.

[译文] 大约百分之八十的学生在几天后要回家。

  A. / ; is   B. / ; are

  C. of; is   D. of; are

[答案及简析] D。 百分比和分数引起的短语作主语,谓语动词用复数。


1136] Prices have risen _____ 10% this year.

[译文] 今年的物价上涨了百分之十。

  A. with   B. to

  C. by   D. in

[答案及简析] C。 rise by 上涨了;rise to上涨到。


1135] Many people are still in _____ habit of writing silly things in _____ public places.

[译文] 有许多人仍然有在公共场合乱写乱画的习惯。

  A. the; the   B. / ; /

  C. the; /   D. / ; the

[答案及简析] C。 in the habit of 固定搭配;in public places这儿是泛指。


1134] Go and get your coat. It’s _____ you left it.

[译文] 去拿你的上衣。它在你放的那个地方。

  A. there   B. where

  C. there were   D. where there

[答案及简析] B。 表语从句。


1133] The workers will start working _____.

[译文] 工人们将在一个半小时后开始工作。

  A. in one and a half hours   B. after one and a half hours

  C. in one and a half hours   D. after one hour and a half

[答案及简析] A。 表示将来的介词一般用in;一个半小时的表达one and a half hours = one hour and a half


1132] This problem ______ very careful thought.

[译文] 这个问题需要认真地思考。

  A. calls on   B. calls at

  C. calls out   D. calls for

[答案及简析] D。 call at 拜访;call for要求,需要;call on拜访。

