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1311] In the _____ house the firefighters aved a lot of _____ people, but they couldn’t br sent to hospital because of the _____ road.

[译文] 在损坏的房子里,救火队员们救出了许多受伤的人,但由于道路堵塞不能把他们送到医院去。

  A. damaged; blocked; injured   B. destroyed; damaged; blocking

  C. damaged; inured; blocked   D. blocked; wounded; injured

[答案及简析] C。 damage 遭受破坏;injure 外伤;wound 指刀伤或枪伤;block阻塞。


1310] After the accident, the police _____ to help the wounded people.

[译文] 出事以后,警察被叫来帮助受伤的人。

  A. called   B. called on

  C. were called in   D. was called in

[答案及简析] C。 the police 是集合名词,谓语动词用复数。


1309] He is not _____ to pass the final exam.

[译文] 他不可能在期末考试中及格。

  A. possibly   B. possible

  C. porbably   D. likely

[答案及简析] D。 be likely to do sth.的句型。


1308] You are well on the way _____ good English students.

[译文] 你们正在成为学英语学得好的学生。

  A. to become   B. becoming

  C. to have become   D. to becoming

[答案及简析] D。 on the way to 在去….的路上。其中的to是介词。


1307] This kind of material can be used to _____ plastics.

[译文] 这种材料可以用来替代塑料。

  A. taking the place of   B. take place of

  C. taking place of   D. take the place of

[答案及简析] D。 take the place of 替代。


1306] We’ve just heard a _____ on the radio that a hurricane is _____ to come.

[译文] 我们刚刚从收音机里听到台风很可能到来的警报。

  A. warn; like   B. warning; likely

  C. warned; able   D. warning; like

[答案及简析] B。 warning是名词,警报的意思。 be likely to do sth. 很可能发生…。


1305] If you had worked harder, you _____.

[译文] 如果你学习更努力一些,你就会成功的。

  A. should succeed   B. would succeed

  C. will succeed   D. would have suceeded

[答案及简析] D。 虚拟语气,与过去事实相反,用过去完成时态。


1304] I didn’t see your sister at the meeting. If she ______, she would have met my brother.

[译文] 我在会议上没有看见你的姐姐。如果她来了的话,一定会遇到我的哥哥。

  A. has come   B. did come

  C. came   D. had come

[答案及简析] D。 虚拟语气,与过去事实相反,用过去完成时态。


1303] -----You seemto like this restaurant a lot.   ----- I _____ here for years.

[译文] -看来你很喜欢这家餐厅。  --数年来我一直在这家餐厅吃东西。

  A. have been eaten   B. had eaten

  C. have been eating   D. am eating

[答案及简析] C。 有for years 这样的短语,句子的时态一般都是完成时态。


1302] Our supply of water has been _____ for 3 days.

[译文] 我们的供水已停了3天了。

  A. cut off   B. shut down

  C. cut through   D. turned down

[答案及简析] A。 cut off截断水,电,气。

