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1581] What happened to Mr Zhu? He spoke in _____ voice in today’s class that I could hear almost nothing.

[译文] 祝老师出什么事了? 他今天在上课时说话声音太小我几乎什么都没听见。

  A. so low   B. such a low

  C. so high   D. such a high

[答案及简析] B。 such a + 可数名词that…结构。


1580] When _____, the man said he went home at 2:00 a.m. _____ and only _____ his house borken into.

[译文] 问到他的时候,这个人说,他下午两点回到家,很疲倦,是发现他的家有人破门而入。

  A. asked; tired; to find   B. asking; tiredly; finding

  C. asked; tiredly; to find   D. asking; tired; finding

[答案及简析] A。 第一空过去分词表示被动;第二空过去分词表示状态;only 加不定式表示结果。


1579] He passed on to us all the skill that had been _____ in his family.

[译文] 他把只能在他们家人中传授的所有技术传给我们了。

  A. handed in   B. given out

  C. handed down   D. turned out

[答案及简析] C。 hand down 把…传下去;give out 奋发,用尽;hand in 上交;turn out产生,结果。


1578] The naughty boy played a trick _____ Lucy by tearing her letter _____ pieces.

[译文] 这个顽皮男孩开了露西一个玩笑,把她的信件撕成了碎片。

  A. on; into   B. with; into

  C. with; to   D. on; off

[答案及简析] A。 play a trick on sb. 开某人玩笑;tear sth. into pieces把...撕成碎片。


1577] -----Have you received Jack’s plan?  -----Yes, but I don’t think his plan is _____.

[译文] --你收到杰克的计划了吗?  --收到了,但我认为他的计划不值得考虑。

  A. worth being considered   B. worthy to be considered

  C. worthy of considering   D. worth to be considered

[答案及简析] B。 be worthy of being done = be worthy to be done = be worth doing 都是"值得….",但注意其结构。


1576] The school _____ they are planning to start will be _____ to disable children.

[译文] 他们计划开办的学校将对残疾儿童开放。

  A. where; opene   B. which; opened

  C. where; open   D. which; open

[答案及简析] B。 start的宾语是school;be opened to 对…开放。


1575] We expected _____ the work by Saturday.

[译文] 我们期望在周六完成工作。

  A. finish   B. finishing

  C. finished   D. to finish

[答案及简析] D。 expect 后面接不定式作宾语。


1574] -----You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. -----well, now I regret ____ that.

[译文] --你真胆大敢在会上提出反对意见。  --是呀,现在我后悔了。

  A. to do   B. to be doing

  C. to have done   D. having done

[答案及简析] D。 regret表示后悔,后面跟动名词。


1573] ____ breaks the law should be punished, that is to say, we will punish _____ breaks the law.

[译文] 任何违背法律的人都应当受到惩罚,也就是说,我们应当惩罚那些违法的人。

  A. anyone, whoever   B. Whoever, whoever

  C. No matter who, whoever   D. Whomeverm,whom

[答案及简析] B。 whoever 可以引导名词性从句又可以引导状语从句。


1572] -----Shall I call in the doctor for you?  ----- _____. I’ll go and see him himself.

[译文] --我可以为你请医生吗?  --不用,我可以自己去。

  A. You are welcome   B. Not at all

  C. Never nind   D. All right

[答案及简析] C。 当别人想为你提供帮助,而你又不想麻烦别人时应说:Never mind或No, thank you.

