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1591] Madame Curie _____ the greater woman in the European history.

[译文] 居里夫人被当作欧洲历史上最伟大的妇女而铭记在心。

  A. remembered   B. is remembered as

  C. was remembered   D. remember as

[答案及简析] B。 be remembered as 作为…被记住。


1590] _____ I don’t agree with you, I’ll defend your right of expressing your idea.

[译文] 尽管不同意你的看法,我还是将保护你表达你的看法的权利。

  A. Althought   B. Even though

  C. Since   D. When

[答案及简析] B。 although 和even though意思差不多,但后者感情强烈,根据句意选择后者最佳。


1589] Madane curie’s _____ encouraged many women to study science and many of them _____.

[译文] 居里夫人的成功鼓励了许多妇女努力学习科学,而且她们中的许多成功了。

  A. succeeded; succeeded   B. success; success

  C. succeeded; success   D. success; succeeded

[答案及简析] D。 该句差主语用名词success;后面是缺谓语,用动词succeed。


1588] No one was sure _____ he would be asked to speak next year.

[译文] 没有人肯定明年他是否被邀请作演讲。

  A. when   B. whether

  C. what   D. how

[答案及简析] B。 whether引导宾语从句,表示是否。


1587] ----- _____ you like the new film My Parents by zhangYimou? -----Very much, especially the story.

[译文] --你认为张艺谋拍的《我的父亲母亲》如何?   --非常好,特别是这个故事。

  A. what do   B. When will

  C. Do   D. How do

[答案及简析] D。 根据下一句对话可以知道是问的看法,用how。


1586] It is said that there _____ a concert this Saturday. Do you want to go?

[译文] 据说本周末有一场音乐会。你想去吗?

  A. is going to have   B. will have

  C. is going to be   D. will not be

[答案及简析] C。 there be 句型。


1585] The warship _____ again and headed _____ toward Haiti.

[译文] 战舰又启航了,笔直向南朝着Haiti开去。

  A. set a sail; to south   B. set sail; south

  C. set sail; to south   D. set sails; to the south

[答案及简析] B。 set sail 启航;表示方位的名词不用冠词,也不加介词,直接可以做状语。


1584] -----How are you feeling today, Linda?   ----- _______, thanks a lot.

[译文] --玲达,你今天感觉如何?  --好多了,谢谢。

  A. Not very well   B. Much better

  C. Fine   D. My head hurts

[答案及简析] B。 询问病情。


1583] -----Can I have _____ orange, mum?   -----Oh, Nacy has had it.

[译文] --我可以把另一个桔子也吃掉好吗,妈妈? --啊,南茜已经吃掉了。

  A. a   B. an

  C. the   D. the other

[答案及简析] D。 根据题意,是想把另一个也吃掉,故用the other。


1582] That’s my idea. Can you think of _____ one?

[译文] 那是我的主意。你能不能想出一个更好的?

  A. good   B. better

  C. best   D. a better

[答案及简析] D。 a better one 一个更好的主意。

