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1601] For reducing the hardship of farming, he _____ interest _____ making farming machines.

[译文] 为了减少农业的劳动强度,他对制造农业机械很感兴趣。

  A. had some; at   B. was very; in

  C. took much; in   D. got little; for

[答案及简析] C。 take interest in对…感兴趣。


1600] Although he knew he had no chance to win, he _____ .

[译文] 尽管他知道他没有机会赢,他还是坚持要试一试。

  A. insists to try   B. insists on trying

  C. insisted to try   D. insisted on trying

[答案及简析] D insist表示坚持做什么,只能接了介词on后方能跟动名词。



1599] Is the Titanic for making the film "Titanic" still _____?

[译文] 拍成电影《泰坦尼克号》的这首船还在海上吗?

  A. at sea   B. in sea

  C. by sea   D. on sea

[答案及简析] A。 at sea 在海上;by sea 走海路;on the sea在船上;in the sea在海中。


1598] I found the book I _____ I _____ in the teachers’ room! What a happy afternoon!

[译文] 我找到了原认为丢在老师办公室的书!今天真高兴!

  A. think; have found   B. thought; had lost

  C. saw; put   D. thought; had taken

[答案及简析] B。 时态题。丢书的动作发生在认为之前,动作用过去完成时态。


1597] Jack, don’t watch the games all the day. Find something _____ doing.

[译文] 杰克,不要整天看比赛。找点值得做的事干。

  A. good   B. interesting

  C. worth   D. not worth

[答案及简析] C。 worth doing 值得做的。


1596] He is either swimming or boating in the lake. I don’t know _____.

[译文] 他要么是游泳,要么是在湖中划船。我不知道是哪一个。

  A. which   B. what

  C. when   D. where

[答案及简析] A。 两个当中其中一个。


1595] It is Madame Curie who is the only scientist who _____ Nobel prizes twice. Am I right?

[译文] 居里夫人是唯一一个获得两次诺贝尔奖的科学家。我说得对吗?

  A. received   B. took

  C. accepted   D. gained

[答案及简析] A。 receive 获得;gain赢得,有主动争取之意。


1594] Do you still remember the night _____ we saw the radium for the first time in our lab?

[译文] 你是否仍然记得在我们的实验室里第一次看到镭的那个夜晚吗?

  A. when   B. where

  C. why   D. how

[答案及简析] A。 定语从句,先行词the night在从句中充当时间状语。


1593] What beautiful flowers! Are most of _____ from Holland?

[译文] 多美的花呀!它们的大部分是不是都来自荷兰呀?

  A. the ones   B. flowers

  C. ones   D. them

[答案及简析] D。 them 代替前面句子中的flowers。


1592] After leaving Poland for many years, she decided to return to the country _____ she had lived for about 18 years.

[译文] 离开波兰许多年后,她决定回到她曾生活了18年的国家。

  A. which   B. there

  C. where   D. from which

[答案及简析] C。 定语从句,先行词the country在从句中充当地点状语。

