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1691] _____ is Charlie’s pen friend?

[译文] 你认为谁是查理的笔友?

  A. Whom do you think   B. Do you think whom

  C. Do you think whose   D. Who do you think

[答案及简析] D。 do you think是插入语。


1690] -----Don’t worry. I have a car _____ at the school gate.  ----- It’s very kind of you.

[译文] --不要着急。我让车在校门外等着的。 --谢谢你。

  A. waited   B. waiting

  C. to wait   D. wait

[答案及简析] B。 have sth. doing sth. 让…一直做…。


1689] ----- White works hard at English.   -----_____ and _____.

[译文] --怀特学习英语很努力。  --是呀,你也一样。

  A. so he will; so do you   B. So he does; so do you

  C. So you do; so is he   D. So does he; so you do

[答案及简析] B。 so do sb.某人也是一样;so sb. do表示对前面说法的认可。


1688] After Mary gave a report about the school, she _____ the guests around it.

[译文] 做了关于学校情况的报告后,她又带着客人参观学校。

  A. went on showing   B. went on with showing

  C. went on to show   D. keep on showing

[答案及简析] C。 go on to do sth. 接着干另一件事;go on doing sth.接着原来的事干。


1687] I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please _____?

[译文] 我听不见收音机的声音。请开大一点!

  A. turn it on   B. turn it down

  C. turn it up   D. turn it off

[答案及简析] C。 由于听不见,要求人家把收音机的声音开大一点。


1686] You will be late _____ you leave immediately.

[译文] 如果你不马上出发,你会迟到的。

  A. until   B. unless

  C. if   D. or

[答案及简析] B。 unless = if not 如果不;除非。


1685] Was it in the cinema _____ Mr Smith met you _____ you saw the film?

[译文] 你看电影的时候是不是史密斯先生在电影院碰到你的?

  A. that; when   B. whom; then

  C. there; what   D. which; where

[答案及简析] A。 强调句中带一个表示时间的定语从句。


1684] When she left college, she had her hair cut short and _____ it short ever since.

[译文] 大学毕业时,她把头发剪短了,从那时起她就一直留着短发。

  A. wore   B. has worn

  C. had worn   D. was wearing

[答案及简析] B。 ever since引起的短语与完成时态连用。


1683] -----We don’t have enough books. What would you like to _____? -----How about two of us ____one?

[译文] --我们没有足够的书籍。你有什么建议?  --两人用一本如何?

  A. suggest; sharing   B. say; share

  C. suggest; share   D. say; sharing

[答案及简析] A。 how about 后面接动名词,这儿是动名词的复合结构。


1682] -----The light is on. Could you have forgotten to turn it off?  ----- Yes, I _____.

[译文] --灯是亮着的。你可能忘记关灯了。  --是呀,我可能忘了。

  A. could   B. ought have

  C. must   D. might have

[答案及简析] D。 情态动词加完成时态,才表示对过去的推测。

