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1731] It soundded _____ a train _____ along the track.

[译文] 听起来就像一辆火车在铁轨上跑。

  A. to be; to go   B. like; to go

  C. as; going   D. like; going

[答案及简析] D。 sound like 听起来像; 后面用的是现在分词表示进行。


1730] The managers discussed the plan that hey would like to see _____ the next year.

[译文] 经理们讨论这个他们想看到在来年执行的计划。

  A. carry out   B. carrying out

  C. carried out   D. to carry ouot

[答案及简析] C。 see sth. done的结构,过去分词短语作宾补。


1729] All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those _____ in the forest.

[译文] 养在这儿的花都是由原生长在森林的花变成的。

  A. once they grew   B. they grew once

  C. that once grew   D. once grew

[答案及简析] C。 考察的是定语从句,that代替先行词those在从句中做主语。


1728] Because he has a cold he has lost his _____, and can’t make any _____.

[译文] 由于感冒,他嗓子哑了,发不出任何声音。

  A. voice; voice   B. sound; sound

  C. voice; sound   D. sound; voice

[答案及简析] C。 lose one’s voice 嗓子哑了;make sound发出声音。


1727] Up to now nothing _____ Betty. I want to know the reason _____ he hasn’t written to me.

[译文] 直到现在没有收到贝特任何来信。我想知道他没给我写信的原因。

  A. has heard from; that   B. was heard from; that

  C. has been heard from; why   D. heard from; why

[答案及简析] C。 up to now 一般和现在完成时态连用;reason后面的定语从句一般用why引导。


1726] Those villages are so small that they _____.

[译文] 那些村子太小不可能标在地图上。

  A. can’t be shown in the maps   B. can’t be shown in the maps

  C. can’t show on the maps   D. can’t shou in the maps

[答案及简析] A。 show是及物动词,得用被动形式;标在地图上介词用on。


1725] Free meals ___ the workers in this special fatory.

[译文] 家特别的工厂向工人提供免费的膳食。

  A. will be supplied   B. will supply with

  C. are supplied to   D. are supplied with

[答案及简析] C。 supply sth. to sb. supply sb. with sth.请比较第一题。


1724] ----- I should have gone to see the film with you. ----- _____.

[译文] --我真该和你一道去看电影。  --真遗憾。

  A. That’s terrible   B. It doesn’t matter to me

  C. What a pity   D. I’m ahsamed

[答案及简析] C。 情景英语,解题思路在前句中should have gone对过去的推测,该和某人去而没有去,当然是遗憾事。


1723] The students will visit the factory _____ buses.

[译文] 学生们将参观生产汽车的那家工厂。

  A. which is made   B. which makes

  C. where is made   D. where makes

[答案及简析] B。 定语从句,工厂生产汽车,是主动的。


1722] Great changes _____ in the past few years in China.

[译文] 近几年,中国有了巨大的变化。

  A. ere taken place   B. happened

  C. have been happened   D. have happened

[答案及简析] D。 in the past few years 常和现在完成时态连用;happen, take place不能用被动形式。

