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1871] Why not _____ an order _____ a TV set of this new type?

[译文] 为什么不定购一台这种新式的电视机呢?

  A. to place; on   B. placing; on

  C. place; for   D. place; at

[答案及简析] C。 place an order for sth. 订购某物;why not 后面跟动词原形。


1870] It’s too hot. Let’s find a cool place ______.

[译文] 太热了,我们是不是找个凉爽的地方吃东西。

  A. where to eat   B. eating

  C. to eat   D. to eat in

[答案及简析] D。 不定式作定语,应是及物动词,如果不是及物动词则加介词。


1869] Look at his new car. It’s very enpensive. He _____ rich.

[译文] 你看看他的新车,很昂贵的。他一定很有钱的。

  A. can be   B. must be

  C. may be   D. will be

[答案及简析] B。 情态动词表示推测,must一定;can可能;may也许;will将会。


1868] I’ll _____ and let you know my decision the afternoon.

[译文] 今天下午我将给你回电话,把我的决定告诉你。

  A. call you at   B. call at you

  C. call you back   D. call back you

[答案及简析] C。 call back 回电话;代词应放在中间。


1867] -----Would you mind opening the window to let the fresh air in? -----_____.

[译文] --你是否介意我把窗户打开让新鲜空气进来?  --不介意,请吧。

  A. No, I do   B. Yes, I don’t

  C. I am sorry, but please   D. No, please do

[答案及简析] D。 对mind的回应,是就用肯定的,不是就用否定的。


1866] Just tell me what suject you’d like me to _____ so that I could get some notes ready.

[译文] 要告诉我你们想我作关于哪方面的报告,我好准备些笔记。

  A. give a talk on   B. have a talk

  C. have a talk on   D. give a talk

[答案及简析] A。 做哪方面的报告用介词on,have a talk听报告。


1865] The knives are made not of wood ______ metal.

[译文] 这些刀子不是木头做的而是金属做的。

  A. but also of   B. but from

  C. but of   D. but in

[答案及简析] C。 not…but… 不是…而是…。


1864] My mother felt pleased with herself because she _____ my father to give up smoking.

[译文] 妈妈觉得很高兴,因为他劝说爸爸戒烟了。

  A. has persuaded   B. had persuaded

  C. has advised   D. was given advice to

[答案及简析] B。 劝说成功只能用persuade,劝说的动作发生在高兴之前,时态只能是过去完成时态。


1863] There must be _____ reason for what he has done.

[译文] 他干的事一定有某种理由。

  A. much   B. several

  C. plenty of   D. some

[答案及简析] D。 some 可以修饰可数或者不可数的名词,表示某种。


1862] The money collected feom ticket sales could be ______ food.

[译文] 卖票所得的钱可以用在买食物上。

  A. pay back   B. spent on

  C. paid off   D. cost

[答案及简析] B。 spend sth. on sth. 把…花在…上。

