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141] The research is so designed that once ______ nothing can be done to change it.

[译文] 这个研究一旦开始什么都不能使它改变。

  A. begins   B. having begun

  C. beginning   D. begun

[答案及简析] D。 once begun是once引导的条件状语从句的省略形式。= Once it is begun


140] Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, ____ I will always treasure.

[译文] 多年不见叔叔的见面时我永远珍惜的美好时刻。

  A. that   B. one

  C. it   D. what

[答案及简析] B。 不定代词one作moment的同位语。


139] Tom was a black slave and he at last ______ the cotton farm to join the North Army.

[译文] 汤姆是一个黑奴,他终于逃出棉田加入了北方大军。

  A. left   B. escaped

  C. ran away   D. fled

[答案及简析] D。 作为奴隶只能逃跑,排除leave;escape 和run away 都是不及物动词。


138] In my bedroom, I have a small desk _____.

[译文] 在我的寝室,我有一个小书桌写东西。

  A. to write   B. writing

  C. to write on   D. to write with

[答案及简析] C。 have sth. to do 的句型中不定式作定语只能是及物动词,和被修饰的名词有动宾关系。


137] Everyone working on Sunday will have _____ pay doubled.

[译文] 每一个周六加班的人都会得到加倍的工资。

  A. its   B. their

  C. ones   D. one

[答案及简析] B。 everyone做主语其物主代词用their;one作主语时用ones。


136] _____ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.

[译文] 无论谁最后一个离开房间都得关掉灯。

  A. Anyone   B. The person

  C. Whoever   D. Who

[答案及简析] C。 主语从句中缺主语;同时表示强调故用whoever。


135] We must find a dictionary. ____ will do.

[译文] 我们应该找到一本辞典。任何一本都可以。

  A. Some   B. Any

  C. Every   D. Each

[答案及简析] B。 any表示"任何"一本都行。


134] The sun is bigger than the moon, _______ we all know it.

[译文] 太阳比月亮大,我们大家都知道。

  A. as   B. which

  C. and   D. that

[答案及简析] C。 此句不缺任何成分,不是定语从句,只能是并列句。


133] We found Marry’s brother to have _____ more story books than Ann’s.

[译文] 我们发现玛丽的故事书要比安莉的多得多

  A. much   B. too much

  C. by far   D. far

[答案及简析] C。 修饰可数名词不能用much;by far可以用于修饰比较级。


132] ____ knocked down and hurt worried her friends.

[译文] Kate的被撞倒和受伤使她的朋友很着急。

  A. Kate’s being   B. Kate was

  C. Kate being   D. Kate had been

[答案及简析] A。 当动名词的复合结构作主语时,要用规范的形式,因此排除Kate being。

