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1851] If there is any mistake in my essay, please _______ for me.

[译文] 我的论文里如果有什么错误,请指出来.

  A. point it out   B. point it to

  C. point out it   D. point to it

[答案及简析] A。 point out 指出来, 代词要放在中间.


1850] He had grown _____ the bad habits.

[译文] 他已经随着年纪的增大而改掉了坏毛病.

  A. up of   B. out

  C. out of   D. from

[答案及简析] C。 grow out of the bad habits随着年纪的增大而改掉坏毛病。


1849] _____ a boy of ten, he started working to support himself.

[译文] 当他还是一个十岁的小孩时,他就开始挣钱养活自己了。

  A. Being   B. When still

  C. Because of   D. While

[答案及简析] B。 when still a boy = when he is still a boy.


1848] -----why can’t I smoke?   ----- At no time _____ in the meeting-room.

[译文] --为什么我不能抽烟?   --任何时候会议室里不容许抽烟。

  A. does smoking permit   B. is smoking permitted

  C. smoking is permitted   D. permits smoking

[答案及简析] B。 否定的短语在句首,句子要部分倒装。


1847] -----What would you like to drink?   ----- It doesn’t matter. _____ will do.

[译文] --你要喝点什么?    --没关系,什么都可以。

  A. Something   B. Anything

  C. Everything   D. Nothing

[答案及简析] B。 表示任何东西。


1846] He left for New York ten years ago, never _____.

[译文] 他十年前到纽约去了,不会再回来了。

  A. heard from again   B. to return again

  C. to hear again   D. returning again

[答案及简析] B。 不定式短语作结果状语。


1845] You shouldn’t go out on such a dark night. _____ , it is raining.

[译文] 你不应该在这样黑的一个晚上出去,更糟糕的是,又在下着雨。

  A. Besides   B. What’s more

  C. What’s worse   D. Besides that

[答案及简析] C。 what’s more 而且,并且;what’s worse更糟糕的是。


1844] Books are usually made _____ paper, while paper sometimes made _____ bamboo.

[译文] 书通常是纸造的;然而纸有时是竹子造的。

  A. from; from   B. from; of

  C. of; of   D. of; from

[答案及简析] D。 看得见原材料的用介词of;看不见原材料的用介词from。


1843] The clothes which _____ with the famous player’s name sell well all through the year.

[译文] 标有著名运动员名字的衣服整年都好销售。

  A. are marked   B. marked

  C. are marking   D. mark

[答案及简析] A。 be marked with标有…。


1842] ----- I’ll help you whenever you need me. ----- Good. I’d like _____ me tomorrow.

[译文] --我任何时候都可以帮助你。  --好。我想你明天就帮助我。

  A. that you help   B. you to help

  C. that you’ll help   D. you helping

[答案及简析] B。 would like sb. to do sth.句型。

