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2081] -----His plan sounds _____, doesn’t it?  -----But it is difficult to _____.

[译文] --他的计划听起来很好,是吧?  --但是实现起来较难。

  A. good; realize   B. well; realize

  C. well; come true   D. good; be realized

[答案及简析] A。 it is difficult to ….后面用不定式的主动形式表示被动。


2080] The best way to forget your worries is to think about the trouble of _____.

[译文] 最好的忘记自己忧虑的办法是去想别人的苦恼。

  A. others   B. the other

  C. other   D. another

[答案及简析] A。 others =other people’s trouble。


2079] Hard work and lack of sleep has _____ her beauty and youth in recent years.

[译文] 这些年的艰苦工作和缺乏睡眠抹去了她的美丽和青春。

  A. worn out   B. tried out

  C. made out   D. sent out

[答案及简析] A。 短语动词辨析。wear out 磨掉;try out 试验,试用;make out 开列,证明;send out派遣。


2078] -----Can children swim in this pool?  -----Yes. However, at no time _____ they do so alone.

[译文] --这个池子里能游泳吗? --能。但是,绝不能让孩子单独游泳。

  A. may   B. need

  C. could   D. should

[答案及简析] D。 should情态动词,表示“应该”。


2077] ----- Is that 110? A thief is in my house….. -----OK, help is _____.

[译文] --是110吗? 我家来了一个小偷。。。  --好。援助马上就到。

  A. in the way   B. in its way

  C. on the way   D. by the way

[答案及简析] C。 on the way 在…的路上。


2076] She won’t leave the TV set, _____ her husband and childenare waiting for her supper.

[译文] 即使她的丈夫和孩子等着她的晚饭,她也不会离开电视机的。

  A. as if   B. even if

  C. once   D. so long as

[答案及简析] B。 考察连词。as if 好像;even if 即使;once 一旦;so long as只要。


2075] The salesman scolded the girl _____ and let her off.

[译文] 售货员责备了那个被抓住偷东西的姑娘,然后让她离开了。

  A. caught stealing   B. caught to steal

  C. catching stealing   D. catching stolen

[答案及简析] A。 catch sb. doing sth.结构的过去分词形式作定语修饰the girl。


2074] -----Don’t play with them, my son, they are dangerous.  ----But they are _____. I like these people.

[译文] --儿子,不要和那些人一起玩,他们很危险。 --但他们令人感到激动,我喜欢他们。

  A. excited   B. exciting

  C. disappointed   D. disapponting

[答案及简析] B。 现在分词表示特征;过去分词表示状态。


2073] -----What’s the matter?   -----I can’t understand _____ so suddenly.

[译文] --怎么回事?    --我不理解他什么离开得这么突然。

  A. he leaving   B. him to leave

  C. him leaving   D. he’s leaving

[答案及简析] C。 understand 后面可以跟动名词的复合结构作宾语。


2072] He is so good at tennis that I have never _____ him.

[译文] 他太擅长于乒乓球了,我从没有赢过他。

  A. struck   B. hit

  C. beat   D. defeated

[答案及简析] D。 动词辩异;在比赛中击败某人或某队,可以用beat,defeat但这儿需要一个过去分词,故只有defeated是正确答案。

