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201] If no one _____ the phone at home, ring me at work.

[译文] 如果家里没人回电话,请打给我工作的地方。

  A. returns   B. replies

  C. answers   D. receives

[答案及简析] C。 固定搭配。回电话一般用answer the phote。


2200]------Don't forget to post the letter, will you?    -----I _____ it.

[译文]--不要忘了替我把信邮走,好吗? --我已经在做了。

A. have already started B. had been started  C. had already started  D. has been started

[答案及简析]A 本句时态应该时现在完成时态。



2199]Mr. Brown _____ us as soon as he gets to Washington.


A. phones B. will phone C. phoned D. would phone

[答案及简析]B. as soon as 引导的从句是一般现在时态,主句就应该是将来时态。


2198]The table is _____ the other one.


A. the same height as  B. as higher as  C. high as    D. as the same height

[答案及简析]A. the same ... as的结构。same 后跟名词。


2197]_____ child can finish his homework on time.


[答案及简析]A. No every   B. Not every  C. No each  D. Not each

B. not every child 是不部分否定。


2196]The days in winter are shorter than ____ in summer.

[译文] 冬天的日子比夏天的要短得多。

A. that     B. one    C. those   D. these

[答案及简析]C. 比较级中,前面是可数名词的复数,than后面就用those.


2195]Most of the students in our class come from _____.


A. the north  B. north   C. the northern  D. northern

[答案及简析]A. 方位名词前不加冠词,但前面有介词就得加冠词。


2194]_____I was ill for six months I lost my job.


A. As      B. Since   C. Because  D. For

[答案及简析]A. as 由于。 since 既然。  because  因为(回答why ) for 并列连词,不能位于句首。


2193]On the _____ of our sales forecast, we can make more profits.


A. base     B. basic   C. basis   D. bases

[答案及简析]B. on the basic of  固定搭配, "根据。。。"


2192]The two sisters look _____.


A. like     B. alike   C. same   D. the similar

[答案及简析]B. alike 是表语形容词,look 是连系动词. look alike 看起来像。

