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416] In the cinema, there was an old man______ beside me.

[译文] 在电影院有个老年人坐在我旁边。

  A. at   B. sit

  C. sitting   D. to sit

[答案及简析] C。 现在分词作定语。


415] He gets up early and reads English aloud, ___ he has greatly improved his English.

[译文] 他起床很早并大声地朗读英语,用这种办法他的英语提高很大。

  A. on the way   B. by the way

  C. in this way   D. in this means

[答案及简析] C。 on the way在路上;by the way顺便说一句;in this way用这种办法。in this means没有这个结构。


414] It’s the fifth time ______ late this term.

[译文] 这学期你是第五次迟到了。

  A. that you ’ve arrived   B. that you arrived

  C. when you ’ve arrived   D. when you arrived

[答案及简析] A。 在ti is the fifth time that…句型中that引导的从句中应该用完成时态。


413] The sun shines brightly in the sky______ us light and heat.

[译文] 天上的艳阳给我们光和热。

  A. that give   B. having given

  C. to give   D. giving

[答案及简析] D。 现在分词短语表示伴随。


412] This is the ______ bag ______ lost yesterday, but it’s not mine.

[译文] 这个和昨天丢的那个包一样的,但不是我的。

  A. same; as   B. same; that

  C. very; that   D. such; as

[答案及简析] A。 与什么相似the same…as 与什么一样(原物)则用the same …that…


411] ----- Do you have clothes ______? I’ll wash them for you. ------No, thank you. I will wash them myself.

[译文] --你有衣服要洗吗?我会帮你洗的。 --谢谢了。我自己洗。

  A. to be washed   B. to wash

  C. washing   D. being washed

[答案及简析] A。 在这个句型中不定时的动作该有主语发出来,如果不发出来则用被动形式。


410] ______ a good insulator(绝缘体) , rubber is often used in cables.

[译文] 作为良导体,橡胶常用作电缆。

  A. Having been   B. To be

  C. Be   D. Being

[答案及简析] D。 现在分词短语表原因。


409] I’d rather he ______ tomorrow afternoon.

[译文] 我宁愿你明天来。

  A. will come   B. comers

  C. coming   D. came

[答案及简析] D。 would rather后面的从句用一般过去时态表示虚拟语气。


408] Do you mind ______ alone at home?

[译文] 把Jane单独留在家里你介意么?

  A. Jane leaving   B. Jane having left

  C. Jane’s being left   D. Jane to be left

[答案及简析] C。 动名词的复合结构作宾语。mind后面要跟动名词。


407] ______ unless I call you.

[译文] 我没有叫你就不要进来。

  A. Please come   B. Not come in

  C. Don’t come in   D. Come in

[答案及简析] C。 考查祈使句。

