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526] "Can’t you read?" Mary said ______ to the notice.

[译文] "你不能读么?" Mary指着告示生气地说道。

  A. angrily pointing   B. and point angrily

  C. angrily pointed   D. and angrily pointing

[答案及简析] A。 现在分词短语表示伴随。


525] After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced______ tractors in 1998 as the year before.

[译文] 引进了新的技术后,这加工厂1998年生产的拖拉机是以前的两倍。

  A. as many twice   B. as twice as many

  C. twice as many   D. twice many as

[答案及简析] C。 比较级的修饰语应该放在比较级结构的前面。


524] Look, they seem _____ about you.

[译文] 看,他们好像在议论你呢。

  A. Talk   B. to talk

  C. to be talking   D. to be talked

[答案及简析] C。 Look,后面一般是进行时态。


523] My brother ______singing ______ dancing while I _____ dance _____sing.

[译文] 我的哥哥宁愿唱歌而不愿跳舞,而我却喜欢跳舞而不喜欢唱歌。

  A. prefers , to , would rather , than   B. would rather , than , prefer , to

  C. prefers , than , would rather ,to   D. would rather , to ,prefer , to

[答案及简析] A。 考查动词用法。Prefer doing sth. to doing sth. would rather do sth. tha. Do sth.


522] Mr. Chen is a teacher and works very hard. _________ his wife.

[译文] 陈先生是一个老师工作努力。他的妻子也是这样。

  A. So does   B. So it

  C. So it is with   D. It is same with

[答案及简析] C。 句型考查;前面提及到的。


521] The car was stopped by highway man, while ______ through a forest.

[译文] 在穿过一个树林子的时候,小车被交警拦住。

  A. was passing   B. passed

  C. passing   D. pass

[答案及简析] C。 passing的动作由car发出,因此用现在分词表示时间。


520] There is no cause to tremble ______ his judge.

[译文] 没有理由在法官面前颤抖。

  A. in front   B. beside

  C. after   D. before

[答案及简析] D。 介词before表示在什么面前。


519] ______ a terrible storm would take place in Shanghai.

[译文] 消息说,暴风雨即将降临上海。

  A. Word came with   B. Word came that

  C. Word with came   D. Word that came

[答案及简析] B。 word单数,无冠词表示消息,信息;that是同位语从句。


518] A fish needs water and without water it will die ______. 

[译文] 鱼需要水,没有水就会死;人类也是这样。

  A. so does a man   B. so will a man

  C. so it is with a man   D. so is it with a man

[答案及简析] C。 考查句型so it is with sth./ sb.请参见前面讲过的题。


517] May I ______ you to write me a receipt?

[译文] 麻烦你给我写个收据好么?

  A. worry   B. disturb

  C. trouble   D. annoy

[答案及简析] C。 动词搭配:trouble sb. to do sth.麻烦某人做什么。

