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546] It passes through their bodies, only _____ a little thicker and sweeter.

[译文] 它径直穿过它们的身体,最后变得越来越稠越来越甜。

  A. getting   B. to get

  C. got   D. having got

[答案及简析] A。 表示伴随。


545] If you _____ it , I will lend the book to you.

[译文] 如果你愿意读的话,我会把书借给你的。

  A. read   B. will read

  C. have read   D. were reading

[答案及简析] B。 will在条件状语从句中不是助动词而是情态动词,表示"愿意"。


544] The cost of oil is less than _______ of gas.

[译文] 油的费用比气的费用低。

  A. it   B. one

  C. the one   D. that

[答案及简析] D。 在比较级中用that来代替前面提到过的不可数名词。


543] He is too careless and he _______ keys.

[译文] 他太粗心了,老是掉钥匙。

  A. always lost   B. always loses

  C. is always losing   D. will always lose

[答案及简析] C。 is always doing sth. 是一个句型,"老是做…"。


542] Please write your composition ________ line to leave space for the teacher’s correction .

[译文] 请隔行写你的作文以便留下空间供老师评改。

  A. one another   B. every other

  C. any other   D. each other

[答案及简析] B。 every other line 隔行。


541] _______ are the days when the teachers were looked down upon .

[译文] 老师被瞧不起的日子一去不复返了。

  A. Gone   B. Go

  C. To go   D. Going

[答案及简析] A。 Gone are the days when…是一个句型。


540] Mr. Wang was such a good teacher _______ the students love and respect.

[译文] 王老师是一个受到学生热爱和尊敬的好老师。

  A. who   B. whom

  C. that   D. as

[答案及简析] D。 such…as..引导的定语从句。


539] Until the present century, ________ demand for natural gas.

[译文] 直到本世纪,对天然气的要求几乎没有。

  A. little   B. and little

  C. there was little   D. was there little

[答案及简析] C。 there be…句型本身就是倒装结构,不需要再倒装。


538] By the end of this year, we _____ 2000 English words.

[译文] 到本年尾,我们将记住2000个单词。

  A. will learn   B. would learn

  C. have learned   D. will have learned

[答案及简析] D。 在有by the end of 引导的短语中,句子的时态要用完成时态。


537] _______ knows the truth will tell you about it , I think .

[译文] 我想,知道真相的任何人都会告诉你的。

  A. Who   B. No matter who

  C. Whoever   D. B and C

[答案及简析] C。 此句有强调的意思,故选C。

