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766] The poor boy is in danger. We should do all we _____ help him out.

[译文] 那个可怜的孩子处于危险中。我们应该尽力帮助他。

  A. can do   B. can to

  C. can to do   D. can

[答案及简析] B。 这是一个常见结构,补充完整就是:We should do all we can do to help him out。


765] Nobody but you _____ able to sing that American song.

[译文] 除了你没有人能唱好这首美国歌曲。

  A. are   B. were

  C. is   D. can be

[答案及简析] C。 本句的主语是nobody,所以谓语动词用单数。


764] -----Have you _____ everything ready for the meeting? ----- Not yet, we need ______.

[译文] -- 你做好了一切会议的准备了吗? --没有,还需要三把椅子。

  A. got; another three chairs   B. got; more three chars

  C. prepared; other three chairs   D. prepared; three another chairs

[答案及简析] A。 get sth. ready 做好了一切准备;another three chairs = three more chairs 。


763] It is he, not you, _____ right.

[译文] 是他对,而不是你对。

  A. who are   B. who is

  C. which is   D. that are

[答案及简析] B。 先行词是he,是单数而不是复数。


762] Those _____ know the answer put up your hands.

[译文] 那些知道答案的请把手举起来。

  A. who   B. which

  C. that   D. whom

[答案及简析] A。 先行词为those时,关系代词用who。


761] It’s only ten minutes ______ the meeting but he’s still not here yet.

[译文] 直到开会前十分钟,他都还没有到。

  A. for   B. at

  C. by   D. till

[答案及简析] D。 for后接一段时间;at表示具体时间;by 表示到…为止或在…之前;till表示直到…,时态用一般时态。


760] By the time he was twelve he ______ a chemistry lab of his own.

[译文] 到他12岁的时候,他就建起了他自己的实验室。

  A. built   B. has built

  C. had built   D. was building

[答案及简析] C。 有by the time 引导的短语或从句,主句应该是完成时态,至于是什么完成时态,就看by短语或从句中的时态了。


759] David jumped _____ to get the first ______ the beginning of the sports.

[译文] 在运动会的开头,David就跳得很高得到了第一名。

  A. enough high; in   B. enough highly; in

  C. high enough; at   D. highly enough; at

[答案及简析] C。 enough 是副词,那么当它修饰其它词类时,应该放在被修饰词的后面;在什么的开头,介词用at。


758] Who is the singer ______ you like best?

[译文] 你最喜欢的歌手是谁?

  A. that   B. who

  C. whom   D. which

[答案及简析] A。 以who, which 引导的句子,定语从句只能用that。


757] Whose turn ___ the cleaning?

[译文] 该谁做清洁了?

  A. is it doing   B. is it to do

  C. is doing   D. is to do

[答案及简析] B。 句型it is one’s turn to do sth.的特殊疑问句形式。

