0  414247  414255  414261  414265  414271  414273  414277  414283  414285  414291  414297  414301  414303  414307  414313  414315  414321  414325  414327  414331  414333  414337  414339  414341  414342  414343  414345  414346  414347  414349  414351  414355  414357  414361  414363  414367  414373  414375  414381  414385  414387  414391  414397  414403  414405  414411  414415  414417  414423  414427  414433  414441  447090 

43. compare A with B  拿…与…比较    compare A to B  把…比做…


42. a common name    a common disease    the common sense 常识  

have sth in common  有…共同之处   get a general idea of  对…有大致了解

communicate with sb  通讯    communicate sth to sb 把…传递给…;向…表达…


41. commit murder  犯凶杀  commit an unforgivable error  犯不可原谅的错误


40. a commercial course 商科a commercial theater以赢利为目的的 a commercial radio


39. make comments on...  评论         *No comment  无可奉告


38. command sb to do (order sb to do sth)     command that + 虚

command my respect    博得尊敬     command my sympathy 博得同情

have a good command of  牢固掌握   (have a good understanding / knowledge of)

at one's command 听从…吩咐    I gave him all the money at my command .由我支配的


37. comfort sb 使…舒适;安慰…    He lives in comfort .他过得很舒适

lead a comfortable life. 过着舒适生活。      a comfortable climate.舒适气候


36. They came running.他们跑着来.  in the years to come  接下几年中 

come up   ① = come near走近   

② be put forward 被提出;出现 

③发芽 The seeds haven't come up yet.

come to   ①苏醒  come to oneself       ② 合计达add up to

      ③ come to an agreement 达成协意   ④ come to a conclusion 得出结论

come across = run into = meet with 偶遇  come from = be from 来自于 

come in   ①进来  Coming in, please.   ②流行  The long skits come in this summer.

      ③上市Apples come in.

come along = get along 进展  How is your work come ing along?

come by = pass by 路过

come back 回来;回想  It suddenly come back to me where I had met you before.

come down ①降临  Night come down.夜幕降临。

②降价 The meat come down. 

      ③下降  The temperature come down.

How came ? 怎么会这样?


35. combine A with B  结合    apply theory to practice


34. collect sth 收集  collect money = raise money 募集 

make money = earn money 

have a large collection of  有…收藏

