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A.侥幸/角色    车辙/折戟沉沙   瞠目/交口称赞

B.盘踞/拮据    癖好/否极泰来   摒弃/敛声屏息

C.怆然/创伤    蛊惑/余勇可贾   诘问/开花结果

D.蹩脚/别扭    干涸/曲高和寡   徜徉/逢场作戏

答案: D




A.奇葩(pā)    刎(wěn)颈之交    睥睨(nì)    猝(cù)不及防

B.瞻(zhān)仰   趑(zī)趄不前     莅(lì)临    夙(sù)兴夜寐

C.冻馁(něi)    暴殄(tiǎn)天物    禅(chán)让   惴(zhuì)惴不安

D.籼(xiān)稻   残羹冷炙(zhì)    祓(bá)除    殒(yǔn)身不恤

答案: A




A、鸡肋(lèi)    蛮横(hèng)  不着边际(zhuó)   大楷字帖(tiè)

B、内讧(hòng)   哂笑(shĕn)   断壁残垣(yuán)   不落窠臼(kē)

C、惊悚(sŏng)   愤懑(măn)   怙恶不悛(quān)   狼奔豕突(shĭ)

D、难处(chŭ)   括弧(hú)    唾手可得(tuò)   不胫而走(jìng)





A.揩(kāi)油   痉(jīng)挛   笑靥(yè)   物阜(fù)民安

B.泥(ní)古    诤(zhèng)友  蹊(qī)跷   羽扇纶(guān)巾

C.滂(pāng)沱   摈(bìng)弃   聒(guō)噪  悄(qiǎo)然无声

D.洞穴(xué)    糟粕(pò)    酝酿(niàng)  心广体胖(pán)





A.拜谒/枯谒  冲锋枪/冲击波   恣意妄为/千姿百态

B.陨石/功勋  倒胃口/倒栽葱   崇山峻岭/怙恶不悛

C.梗概/田埂  迫击炮/迫切性   瓜熟蒂落/啼笑皆非

D.篆书/椽子  空白点/空城计   愚公移山/向隅而泣




1.下列词语中加点的字,读音完全正确的一组是(  )(3分)

A.调度/宏观调控   降解/降龙伏虎   搪塞/敷衍塞责

B.省视/省吃俭用   拓本/落拓不羁   纤绳/纤尘不染

C.圈养/可圈可点   喷薄/厚古薄今   重申/老成持重

D.臧否/否极泰来   乐府/乐不思蜀   屏蔽/屏气凝神





A.诠释   出其制胜   瞩(zhǔ)目    人才荟( kuài )萃

B.杀戮   宁静致远   莅(wèi )临     鸢( yuān )飞鱼跃

C.平添   励精图治   缜( zhěn )密    鹬( yù )蚌相争

D.松弛   老奸巨猾   揣度( duó)     深陷囹圄( wú )





A.作坊(zuō)  心广体胖(pán)   处方(chǔ)   给予帮助(jǐ)

B.燕山(yān)  戎马倥偬(zǒng)   落枕(lào)   分外高兴(fēn)

C.干系(gān)  呼天抢地(qiǎng)  饮马(yìn)    供不应求(yìng)

D.泡桐(pāo)  济济一堂(jǐ)    空余(kòng)   作者附识(shí)






A.菁华(qīng)   宁可(nìng)   冠心病(guān)  翘首回望(qiáo)

B.吐蕃(fān)    庇护(bì)    歼击机(jiān)  呱呱坠地(gū)

C.请帖(tiě)    梵文(fán)   发横财(hèng)   按捺不住(nà)

D.链接(liàn)    创口(chuāng)  倒春寒(dào)   拈花惹草(niān)




31. As usual, he put on a show as though his trip      a great success.

A. had been    B. has been     C. were            D. was 32. Looking round the town, he felt as though he      away for ages.   A. has been     B. was         C. is              D. had been 33. John is so strongly built that he looks as if he      an elephant.   A. lifts       B. is lifting      C. lifted            D. could lift 34. He described the town as if he      it himself.   A. had seen    B. has seen     C. saw            D. sees 35. At that thought he shook himself, as though he      from an evil dream.   A. woke      B. wakes       C. would wake        D. had woke 36. Most insurance agents would rather you      anything about collecting claims until they investigate the situation.   A. do        B. don’t        C. didn’t           D. didn’t do 37. Although most adopted persons want the right to know who their natural parents are, some who have found them wish that they      the experience of meeting.   A. hadn’t     B. didn’t have had C. hadn’t had         D. hadn’t have 38. He insisted that the sky ____ clear up the following day.

A. would      B. should       C./                  D. be 39. Without electronic computers, much of today’s advanced technology      .   A. will not have been achieved   B. have not been achieved   C. would not have been achieved    D. had not been achieved 40. He told her to return the book in time so that others      a chance to read it .   A. may have    B. will have     C. would have       D. might have 41. It is time that the government      measures to protect the rare birds and animals.   A. takes      B. took        C. has taken        D. taking 42. Some people are too particular about school records, insisting that every applicant

______ all diplomas from elementary school to university.    A. has       B. will have     C. should have       D. must have 43. He was very busy yesterday; otherwise he      to the meeting.   A. would come B. came       C. would have come    D. had come 44. I must say he reads very well, and I shouldn’t be surprised if he      acting for a living one day.   A. had taken up B. takes up      C. have taken up     D. would have taken up 45. If I had seen the movie, I      you all about it now.   A. would tell    B. will tell      C. have told        D. would have told 46. I hadn’t expected Henry to apologize but I had hoped      .   A. him to call me up       B. him calling me up     C. that he would call me up    D. that he will call me 47. I had hoped that John      a year in Africa, but he stayed there only for three months.   A. spends      B. spent        C. would spend      D. will spend 48. I had hoped that Jennifer      a doctor, but she wasn’t good enough at science.   A. will become   B. became      C. would become   D. becomes 49. I’d rather you      anything about it for the time being.   A. do        B. didn’t do     C. don’t           D. didn’t   50. -Did you blame the accident on him alone ?

-Yes, but I ______so .   A. would rather not do       B. shouldn’t do 

C. shouldn’t have done        D. better have not done

