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145. John shut everybody out of the kitchen _____ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party. (2002全国)

 A.which           B. when            C. so that               D. as if


144. You are welcome ______ you come here, for you are our distinguished guest.

 A.when        B. whenever         C. where            D. wherever


143. The second world war broke out _____ he was born.

 A.when        B. whenever         C. where            D. wherever


142. The famous scientist grew up _____ he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai. (2002上海春)

 A.when        B. whenever         C. where            D. wherever


141. How I wish I _____ a lot of books to read when I was young.

 A.has             B. had              C. will have          D. had had


140. How I wish every family _____ a large house with beautiful garden! (2002上海春)

 A.has             B. had              C. will have          D. had had


139. What would happen _____, as far as the river bank?

 A.Bob had walked farther             B. if Bob should walk farther

  C. had Bob walked farther               D. if Bob walked farther


138. What would have happened _____, as far as the river bank? (2001上海)

 A.Bob had walked farther             B. if Bob should walk farther

  C. had Bob walked farther               D. if Bob walked farther


137. He always hesitates to kick the ball, otherwise he _____ a goal very often.

 A.had scored     B. scored            C. would score       D. would have scored


136. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball; otherwise he _____ a goal. (2001上海春)

 A.had scored     B. scored            C. would score       D. would have scored

