0  415045  415053  415059  415063  415069  415071  415075  415081  415083  415089  415095  415099  415101  415105  415111  415113  415119  415123  415125  415129  415131  415135  415137  415139  415140  415141  415143  415144  415145  415147  415149  415153  415155  415159  415161  415165  415171  415173  415179  415183  415185  415189  415195  415201  415203  415209  415213  415215  415221  415225  415231  415239  447090 

24.(  ) After the education reform (教育改革) in Shandong Province , the pupils have __________

time to relax (放松) and __________ homework to do .

A.less ; more        B.more ; less         C.fewer ; more       D.much ; many


23.(  ) If someone said __________ about you , you __________ keep silent (沉默的).

A.something bad ; can                   B. bad something ; could  

C. good something ; could                D. something bad ; could


22.(  )The boy said to __________ , “ I’ll do __________ best to work out the problem.”

    A. him ; his         B. herself ; my       C. himself ; my       D. himself ; his


21.(  )---Oh, how nice! A picture of the White House ?

      ---Yes . I took it in __________ .

A. London           B.Washington         C.Paris                 D.Bangkok


20.(  )__________ dangerous it is to ride fast on a busy road !

A.What            B.What a           C.How             D.How a                 


19.(  )The Sutong Highway(公路) Bridge , a__________ bridge , is already open to traffic .

    A.32 kilometre long                     B. 32- kilometre- long 

C. 32 kilometres long                   D. 32- kilometres- long


18.(  ) Last weekend they __________ Professor Yi Zhongtian to the Talk Show on CCTV-1 .

A.invites            B.invited            C.was invited        D.will invite


17.(  ) ---Remember to __________ the candle when you leave the room .  

--- OK , Mum .

    A.put on            B.put up            C.put off           D.put out



16.(  ) Be careful ! The traffic light is red . You mustn’t go __________ the street now .

A.in               B.along            C.on              D.across

