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3. A。推断题。 根据最后一段 Of the sixty percent of high school graduates who enter college, half of them do not graduate with their class. Many of them drop out within the first year. Some struggle on for two or three years and then give up 可知作者列举了三种情况,说明有些人不适合大学教育,故选A。


2. D。细节题。根据 Whether they want to go to college or not doesn’t matter. Everybody should go to college, so of course they must go 可知上大学不是出于学生本意,而是出于父母及学校等方面的压力,可见 D 不是大学入学人数增加的原因。


22.[答案解析]本文通过调查分析告诉人们要改变传统观念应首先考虑选择技术工作的培训-因为它人才 缺乏,待遇更高。


4. C。主旨题。纵览全文,可以得出答案。


3. C。细节题。根据Children exposed to American pop culture that glorifies(颂扬) youth and sexuality(性感) often rebel when their parents try to impose the conservative values they brought with them 可得出答案。


2. A。细节题。根据the number of foreign born or first generation Americans reached 55 million last year, a record one in five the total population 我们可以列出下面的算式:55,000,000×5=275,000,000。


1. B。细节题。可从 Psychologists(心理学家) and sociologists say parents can lose their position of authority(权威) in a family as a result and the effects of that can be far-reaching 中找出答案。



