0  415464  415472  415478  415482  415488  415490  415494  415500  415502  415508  415514  415518  415520  415524  415530  415532  415538  415542  415544  415548  415550  415554  415556  415558  415559  415560  415562  415563  415564  415566  415568  415572  415574  415578  415580  415584  415590  415592  415598  415602  415604  415608  415614  415620  415622  415628  415632  415634  415640  415644  415650  415658  447090 

29.You may use my room as you like,      you clean it up afterwards.

   A.so far as        B.as well as       C.as soon as       D.so long as


28.Giant pandas-Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan,offered by the Chinese mainland,have

       their new home in Taipei Zoo.

   A.appealed to     B.agreed to      C.applied to      D.adapted to


27.-Why hasn’t Mr.Green showed up at the meeting yet?

   -I’m not sure,but he     in a traffic jam driving here.

   A.could be caught                  B.can be caught

C.might have been caught           D.must have caught


26.     is obviously right is to give all students equal opportunities to develop their special gifts.

   A.Which         B.What          C.That            D.It


25.     fresh air,people may start to feel sick.So make sure you open the windows while working.

   A.For the absence of                B.In the absence of

   C.In the honor of                    D.In the short of


24.-Tom is said to have been accused of mismanagement.

   -It’s not fair.I don’t think him the person       for what happened.

   A.to be blamed                                      B.to blame

   C.blamed                          D.blame


23.In the character-training of children,what really     much is what their parents

   say and do.

   A.matters         B.concerns       C.cares           D.minds


22.In face of     failure,we should keep up    good state of mind instead of being depressed. 

   A./;the         B.a;the         C.the;a         D./;a



21.     your worries with the friend you trust,-you will feel relieved.

A.Share                           B.To share       

C.Sharing                          D.Having shared

