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17. Peter ________ come with us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet.

A.  can   B. may   C. must   D. will


16. When I was a news reporter, I __________ to Japan a lot of times.

A.  flew   B. had flown   C. used to fly   D. was used to flying


15. ---__________ did you take ---I took half of it.

A.  How many   B. How much   C. How   D. What


14. Jenny _________ have kept her words. I wonder why she changed her mind.

A.  could   B. might   C. would   D. should


13. Someone was heard __________ up the stairs and open the door.

A.  come   B. to come   C. coming   D. came


12. ---The play is seldom put on here, is it ---_____________. Only once five years ago.

A.  No, it isn't   B. Yes, it is    C. Yes, isn't it   D. Yes, it is.


9. If you don't like _________ of the books, I will give you a third one.

A.  each   B. any   C. both   D. either

I took them _________ because I didn't know which was the best.

A.  neither   B. both   C. no one   D. all

Mr. Black ________ his wife to teach their child a lesson. So he did.

A.  promised   B. persuade   C. wanted   D. told


8. ---Are you going to watch the game ---I'm sure _______, for it promises to be a close one.

A.  so   B. I will   C. not   D. I won't


7. She doesn't speak English as _________ as her friend, but her written work is excellent.

A.  good   B. well   C. much   D. often


6. She often gets up ___________ eight. She is a lazy girl.

A.  at   B. before   C. after   D. around

