0  416118  416126  416132  416136  416142  416144  416148  416154  416156  416162  416168  416172  416174  416178  416184  416186  416192  416196  416198  416202  416204  416208  416210  416212  416213  416214  416216  416217  416218  416220  416222  416226  416228  416232  416234  416238  416244  416246  416252  416256  416258  416262  416268  416274  416276  416282  416286  416288  416294  416298  416304  416312  447090 

19. make up编造,配制,打扮,组成

  make up for弥补

  make into / of / from 制成

  make out弄懂,发现,看出,填写,开列(清单)

  make for走向,驶往,促使

  1) Can you make this length of cloth __________ a suit?

   2) I asked the driver if he was making ___________ London?

  3) My father made __________ a check for me to buy the camera.

  4) We must make the loss _______ next week./ He tried hard to make _______ for

   the damage he had done.

  5) He made __________ a story, which I found hard to believe.

  6) Someone is coming, but I can't make ___________ who it is.

  (into, for, out, up/up, up, out)


18. look up查找,向上看

  look through翻阅,浏览

  look on旁观

  look on…as看作

  look into调查

  look after/ at / for 照顾/看/寻找

  look out(for)当心

  look about / around/round四下查看

  look down upon瞧不起

  look back upon回忆,回顾

  look ab. up and down仔细打量某人

look ab in the face/eyes直视某人

  1) I spent two hours looking ______ the students' papers.

  2)Look _______! There is a big hole in front.

  3) He took part in the game, and the rest of us just looked ______ and cheered for him.

  4) The old man looked _____ upon the days of his youth.

  5) She was so snobbish(势利)that she looked __________ upon all his neighbours.

  6) The police promised to look __________ the case as soon as possible.

  7) He looked __________ but saw nobody, and he listened but hear nothing.

  (through, out, on, back, down, into, about/around/round)


17. leave for离开前往

  leave out删去,遗漏

  leave behind遗留,忘记拿走

  leave to留给,遗嘱赠于

  leave over遗留,剩下,延期

  1) "Whose name has been left __________?" demanded the teacher.

  2) When he died, he left all his property _____ his niece.

  3) He suddenly realized that he had left his umbrella ___________.

  4) Don't leave this matter _________ until tomorrow.

  5) Leave some meat ___________ for tomorrow.

  6) Those are questions left _________ by history.

  (out, to, behind, over, over, over)


16. knock at/on敲

  knock into撞到某人身上

  knock down撞倒

  knock out of把…敲出

  knock over撞倒

  knock off停止工作,休息

   1) The boxer soon knocked his opponent _________.

   2) The office stuff knocks _________ at six every day.

   3) Try knocking __________ the window and see if there is anyone indoors.

   4) He was so absorbed in his book that he knocked __________ the car parked there.

   (down, off, on, into)


15. keep up (courage, English, spirits)保持,

  keep up with跟上

  keep off (grass)不接近,离开

  keep away from避开,不接近,离…远远的

  keep out of

  keep to (rules, promise)坚持,遵守  

  keep on继续,坚持下来

  keep back阻止,留下,隐瞒,扣下

  keep from克制,阻止

  1) The angry lady told the strangers to keep ________ from her.

  2) I can hardly keep ________ my tears after hearing his words.

  3) Only pride kept her __________ bursting into tears.

  4) I can scarcely keep __________ asking him what he has done.

  5) "Don't touch me," screamed the woman, "Keep __________!"

  6) Keep _________ until you succeed.

  7) Keep _________ your courage, and you'll succeed in the end.

  8) The thick coat can keep the cold ___________.

  9) Always try to keep ___________ the rules when you play a game.

  10) I can't keep ________ with everything you're doing.

  (away, back, from, from, off, on, up, out, to, up)


14. hold back阻止,隐瞒

  hold up举起,使停顿

  hold on别挂电话,等,坚持

  hold out持续,坚持,伸出

  hold down控制,镇压

  1) I'm sure he is holding something _________.

  2) She managed to hold ______ her emotion until her guests had left. Then she cried.

  3) Tell him to hold ________ a moment. I'll come soon.

  4) Our food supply won't hold _________ for more than a few days.

  5) The train was held ________ as a result of the floods.

  6) These measures helped to hold ___________ the city's population.

  7) Hold ___________ your left arm, please.

  (back, back, on, out, up, down, up)


13. hang about闲逛

  hang up挂电话


12. hand in交上,提交

  hand out分发

  hand down流传,遗传


11. give away赠送,泄露,出卖

  give out发出,疲劳,分发,公布

  give off发出(光、热、气体)

  give in (to sb.) 屈服

  give up放弃,让(座位)

  1) His accent at last gave him __________.

  2) The liquid gave ________ a strong smell.

  3) The headmaster gave ___________ the names of the prize-winners.

  4) The soldiers gave _________ the town to the enemies.

  5) Who will help me to give the books ___________?

  6) Don't believe in those who give his friends ________.

  7) After a long walk, my strength gave ____________.

  (away, off, out, up, out, away, out)


10. get down下来,记下,使沮丧

get down to致力于,专心于

  get on进展,进步,穿上,上车

  get off脱下,下车

  get in收集,插(话)

  get away逃跑,逃脱,去休假

  get over忘记,越过,克服,从疾病中恢复

  get along with进展,相处

  get up起床

  get through打通电话,完成,通过

  get round消息传开

  get close to sth. 接近,几乎

  get into (trouble)

  get to (know)

  get back取回,收回

  get out

  1) She spoke so fast that I couldn't get ____ what he said.

  2) We will find ways to get _________ difficulties.

  3) The story has got __________, and everyone knows about it.

  4) When I get _________ with the report, I'll go to the cinema.

  5) After a delicious meal the two men got __________ to business.

  6) Don't always get __________ a word when others are speaking.

  7) It took me a long time to get ___________ such an unpleasant experience.

  (down, over, round, through, down, in, over)

