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(1)    He told the BBC that he wanted 17 hours of nonstop TV time so that both concerts could be shown on television.<播出,展出,放映>

(2)    Tickets,please. Show your tickets.<把……拿给……看>

(3)    Come along. I'll show you to your room myself.<带某人到某处>

(4)    My cousin is visiting us next week,and I have promised to show him around New York.<领某人到处看看>

(5)    Most small children show off in front of visitors.<炫耀>


64、Let's set ________________ my personal feelings.

答案:63、about 64、aside


(1)    We set about clearing(set out to clear)up the mess.<开始做或处理;着手>

(2)    You'd better set aside some money for special use. <(为了某种目的)留出、拨出、节省>

(3)    Set aside my wishes in this matter.<对……不予考虑>

(4)    We will set off(out)for Africa tomorrow.<动身,出发>

(5)    Polonium is used to set off a nuclear bomb.<引爆>

(6)    Let's set up the tent first and build the fire later.<竖起来,立起来,支起来>

(7)    He set up a new record.<创造>

(8)    The film was set in California in the middle of the nineteenth century. <以……为背景,故事发生在…….>


63、The new government must set ________________ finding solutions to the country's economic problems.


(1)    We've just sent her to sleep.<使进入梦乡>

(2)    My sister sends you greetings and asks when you will be in London.<致,送>

(3)    That noise will send me mad.<(跟复合结构)使变得>

(4)    The explosion sent things flying in all directions. <(跟带分词的复合结构)使得……>

(5)    They have sent up several spaceships this year.<发射>

(6)    send for a taxi/an ambulance/a doctor <(派人)找计程车/叫救护车/请医生来>


(1)    I've got a lot of things to see to.<处理>

(2)    Who is to see to the organization of the next meeting?<负责>

(3)    Will you see to that customer,please?<照顾>

(4)    If I see to getting the car out,will you see to closing the windows?<负责>

(5)    Please see to it that the lights are turned off.(=make sure/ensure that) <确保>


(1)    The buses run until after twelve.<(车辆等)行驶>

(2)    The machine ran continuously for eight days.<运转>

(3)    The water runs out of the pipe into the bucket.<流>

(4)    For several miles the road runs across a plain.<(道路等)延伸,延续>

(5)    They run most of the stores here.<管理,经营>

(6)    The chairman ran the meeting well.<主持>

(7)    Will the color in this dress run if I wash it?<褪色>

(8)    He is running for governor.<竞选>

(9)    If you ran after two hares,you will catch neither.<追赶>

(10)  She hit the child and ran away.<走掉,跑掉>

(11)  All our supply of food has run out(=given out).<被用完>

(12)  We ran out of coal,and had to burn wood.<用完>

(13)  I ran over a rabbit this morning.<(车辆)撞倒并碾过>

(14)  Run through this article and tell me what you think of it.<匆忙看一遍>


(1)    if you don't know how to pronounce the word,refer to the dictionary. <查阅,参阅>

(2)    He referred to the matter once or twice.<提到,谈到> The man referred to in the talk is one of my friends.

(3)    What I have to say refers to all of you.<涉及>

(4)    The lady was referring to Mike when she spoke of a bright boy.<指的是>

(5)    He referred his success to his good teacher.<归功于>


(1)    John puts ten dollars aside every week.<存储,留下>

(2)    He put aside his textbooks when he left school and never reopened them. <放下,放在一边>

(3)    Put aside all that has happened and try to start again.<搁在一边,不予考虑>

(4)    Put your books away.<收起来>

(5)    Put the dictionary back on the shelf.<放回原处>

(6)    The meeting has been put back until next week.(=put off)<推迟>

(7)    Put the clock back by five minutes.<拨慢>

(8)    Put the clock forward by five minutes.<拨快>

(9)    He put out the lamp and went out.<使熄灭,扑灭>

(10)  The company puts out 13 new machines every month.<生产,出版>

(11)  Are you serious in putting forward such a view?<提出>

(12)  put into effect<执行,实施>

(13)  put into force<使生效>

(14)  put into practice<实行,付诸实行>

(15)  put on weight<增加体重>

(16)  put one's heart into<全心全意干某事>

(17)  put sb. through<接通电话>

(18)  put to bed<安顿孩子睡觉>

(19)  put to use<加以利用>

(20)  put up with<忍受,容忍>

(21)  I just didn't wish to put you to the trouble of changing a large note. <给某人添麻烦>


62、7点钟我开车来接你。 ________________

答案:60、He picked out the ripest peach.61、The market always picks up in the spring.62、 I’ll pick you up at 7 o'clock.


61、一到春天市场就活跃了。 ________________

