0  417925  417933  417939  417943  417949  417951  417955  417961  417963  417969  417975  417979  417981  417985  417991  417993  417999  418003  418005  418009  418011  418015  418017  418019  418020  418021  418023  418024  418025  418027  418029  418033  418035  418039  418041  418045  418051  418053  418059  418063  418065  418069  418075  418081  418083  418089  418093  418095  418101  418105  418111  418119  447090 

34. I found him sitting in his chair, completely ______ a magazine.

 A. absorbing        B. absorbed in  

C. being absorbed      D. absorbing in


33.He managed to achieve his goal in a way _________.

A.what you thought was impossible  

B.that you thought was impossible

C.you thought was impossible    

D.in which you thought was impossible


32. If you keep practicing your son in football, he ______ to be a famous player.

A. wants      B. hopes       C. wishes      D. promises


31. - The weather isn’t good enough for an outing , is it?

 - No, it isn’t. We can’t have _________at this time of the year.

A.a nicer day    B.a worse day    C.a worst day   D.so fine a day


30. The US president Bush said his country will sign a peace treaty with the DPRK(朝

鲜)______ the latter gets rid of all its nuclear facilities.

    A. while     B. even if      C. provided      D. so that


29. I really don’t think Tony will be upset, but I will go and see him in case he___ .

   A. does        B. is         C.will be        D.will do


28. ______ for the terrible coal mine accident, as the public thought, the mayor of the

city felt nervous and was at a loss what to do.

A. He was to blame           B. Being to blame  

C. Having blamed            D. Being to be blamed 


27. Please tell me how the accident ______. I am still in the dark.

A. came by     B. came upon    C. came to      D. came about

