0  420106  420114  420120  420124  420130  420132  420136  420142  420144  420150  420156  420160  420162  420166  420172  420174  420180  420184  420186  420190  420192  420196  420198  420200  420201  420202  420204  420205  420206  420208  420210  420214  420216  420220  420222  420226  420232  420234  420240  420244  420246  420250  420256  420262  420264  420270  420274  420276  420282  420286  420292  420300  447090 

51. Don’t put your cell (手机) _____ the edge of the table, or it will fall off

  A. at                B. on              C. to                  D. in


50. The Englishman has a very good ear _____ music. You can ask him for some advice.

  A. at                 B. of               C. for              D. in


49. He goes _____ at 8 a.m. and comes _____ at 5 p.m. Today he is _____.

  A. on duty; off duty; on night duty            B. on his duty; off the duty; on night duty

  C. to duty; from duty; at night duty               D. in duty; out duty; at night duty


48. Some new changes happened _____ the school _____ my absence.

  A. at; to             B. in; for            C. in; during         D. at; on


47. She was disappointed _____ hearing the news that Chinese football team lost the first match in “World Cup”.

   A. at                  B. in                  C. of               D. with


46. _____ his disadvantage, it began to rain heavily suddenly.

A. At              B. With             C. To               D. For


45. The twins look much like each other, but they are different _____ nature.

   A. in                  B. about            C. on              D. with


44. _____ the _____ of modern industry, the pollution is becoming more and more serious.

A. With; developing                     B. Under; development

C. With; development                    D. Under; developing


43. Our national scenery Zhangjiajie is so charming that it is _____ description.

  A. out                  B. beside            C. over              D. beyond


42. In China children, even in their twenties depended _____ their parents _____ food and clothing.

  A. upon; on          B. on; in           C. on; for          D. at; to

