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41. --- Can you tell me     the tomato is? 

--- It is one yuan per kilo.

  A. how many        B. how much        C. what's the money   D. what money


40. Hardly had I arrived when I had a new problem to cope with. Which of the following can replace the underlined part?

  A. No sooner...when     B. Scarcely...when     C. Hardly...than      D. Scarcely...than


39. This year they have produced _____ grain _____ they did last year.

  A. as less; as           B. as few; as         C. less; than          D. fewer; than


38. You’ll have to treat your parents with more respect _____.

  A. future             B. in the future       C. in a future         D. in future


37. There were____ 60 ___ 80 people present at the opening ceremony of the Hope Project Primary school.

A. either…nor            B. neither…or        C. from…and        D. from…to


36. The young man is puzzled by a note which runs _____: “Please come to my house tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. Don’t be late. I will wait for you.”

A. as following           B. as follows         C. as follow          D. as the follows


35. Some young people even admire the way _____ their favourite film stars smile or wave.

  A. how              B. with which        C. X                  D. by which


34. When we repaired the printing equipment, the boss praised _____ of us.

  A. every one          B. everyone          C. every            D. everybody


33. I agree with most of what you said in your letter, but I don’t agree with _____.

  A. everything         B. enough           C. entirety           D. anything


32. If you want to speak English fluently, you should first practise _____ English _____.

  A. everyday; everyday   B. every day; everyday  C. everyday; every day  D. everyday; everyday

