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137. The Great Wall is the last place _____ Mr Smith is going to visit before he leaves Beijing.  

  A. where          B. which           C. /               D. what


136. -You seemed toke deeply struck by his skill.

   -Not exactly so. It was his courage _____ his skill that really struck me mast.

 A. rather than       B. as well as         C. but also          D. not as


135. _____, there was no mistaking that she was displeased.

  A. As her words were gently spoken        B. Spoken as her words were gently

  C. Were as her words gently spoken        D. Gently as her words were spoken


134. _____ more from his bed, Washington Roabling directed construction by watching from his apartment window. 

  A. Be able to       B. Be unable to       C. Unable to         D. Able to


133. It is a common belief _____ teenagers today know about computers and are familiar _____ using them in an aspects of life.                           

  A. that; out        B. what; with        C. That; with        D. what; about       


132. No sooner _____ the parrot flew oat and settled in the same tree _____ the cat.

  A. had Jim opened the cage that; as        B. had Jim opened the cage than; as

  C. Jim opened the cage than; with        D. Has Jim opened the cage than; with


131. The sun was shining brightly, _____ everything there _____ more beautiful

  A. making; wok     B. to make; looked     C. and made; looking   D. and making; be looked


130. Mr. Green drove slowly on the way home until he reached the high way, _____ the speed limit was to miles per hour. 

  A. because        B. which           C. where           D. that


129. Henry can’t attend the party_____ at Tom’s house at present because he is preparing the speech at the party _____ at Marie’s house tomorrow.   

  A. held; being held   B. to be held; to be held C. to be held; held     D. being held; to be held   


128. - We are leaving on June 15.

  -So why not come to spend _____ days with us? I’m serious.

  A. all these last few   B. these au last few     C. these last all few     D. all last these few   

