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7. -I knocked at your door, but nobody answer. 

-You should _____ the door bell.

  A. try touching         B. tried to touch      C. have tried touching   D. have tried to touch


6. -Did you see Tom? He said he would come back for supper at six o’clock. 

-He seems _____ with Bob in the lake.

  A. to swim            B. to be swimming    C. to have swum      D. swimming


5. I go to work every early. I don’t usually have _____ breakfast, but I always eat _____ good supper.

  A. /;a                B. /;/             C. the; /           D. /;the


4. Tom may come to see me. I don’t want to go out _____ he comes.

  A. so that             B. in case              C. as long as         D. now that


3. Naek is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent; _____, I can’t speak too highly of him.

  A. as a result          B. in a word         C. by the way        D. on the contrary


2. He _____ a hard life, but he _____ us a lot of excellent works.

  A. had led; had left      B. led; has left           C. had led; has left   D. led; was leaving


1. They decided to drive the cow away _____ it did more damage.

  A. before             B. after             C. until             D. while


150. It is said that Tom has_____ great interest in history, especially in _____ history of Tang Dynasty.

 A. a, the              B. a, /             C. /; the            D. /; a

第三节 情景语义训练


149. _____ all over the hills and around the lake are wild flowers of different kinds.

  A. To grow        B. Growing         C. grown           D. Grow    


148. We played in the garden till sunset, _____ it began to rain.

 A. When           B. after            C. While           D. then     

