0  420193  420201  420207  420211  420217  420219  420223  420229  420231  420237  420243  420247  420249  420253  420259  420261  420267  420271  420273  420277  420279  420283  420285  420287  420288  420289  420291  420292  420293  420295  420297  420301  420303  420307  420309  420313  420319  420321  420327  420331  420333  420337  420343  420349  420351  420357  420361  420363  420369  420373  420379  420387  447090 

107. -What a pity ; I’ve not got a ticket for football match tonight.

-Don't worry. It’ll be broadcast    .

A. live             B. lively            C. alive            D. living


106. -Have you seen   pen? I left it here this morning?

-Is it   black one? I think I saw it somewhere.

A. a; the            B. the; the          C. the; a              D. a; a


105. -Can I help you, sir?

-Yes. I bought this radio here yesterday, but it   .

  A. didn’t work        B. wouldn’t work     C. can’t work        D. doesn’t work


104. I’m surprised that you should have been fooled by such a/an   trick.

  A. ordinary           B. easy             C. smart              D. simple


103. In that case, there is nothing you can do   than wait.

  A. more              B. other            C. better            D. any.


102. Have a good rest. You need to    your energy for the tennis match this afternoon.

  A. leave              B. save             C. hold            D. get


101. Many people have helped with canned food, however, the food bank needs   for the poor.

  A. more              B. much            C. many            D. most


100. I read about it in some book or other, does it matter   it was?

  A. where             B. what            C. how             D. which


99. Mr Smith, there is a man at   front door who says he has   news for you of great importance.

  A. the; /              B. the; the          C. /; /              D. /; the


98. Rainforests   and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.

  A. cut                B. are cut            C. are being cut       D. had been cut

