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118. She forgot to tell me which bus to _____.

  A. travel         B. take             C. have             D. ride


117. That coat _____ her a week’s wages.

  A. spent          B. cost             C. used             D. wasted


116. She _____ me why she wanted to leave early.

  A. told           B. explained         C. said             D. suggested


115. Let’s hurry to _____ that bus or we’ll be late for school.

  A. take           B. catch             C. ride             D. get


114. The manager wanted to know who wasn’t _____ for the office.

  A. good          B. bad              C. fit               D. well


113. Few people could understand his theory at that time and even few would _____ it.

  A. receive        B. accept            C. know            D. except


112. When we breathe, the oxygen in the air _____ with our blood and gives us life.

  A. fills           B. goes             C. takes in           D. mixes


111. Mr. Johnson was _____ in the leg while fighting Japanese during the war.

  A. hurt           B. harmed           C. injured               D. wounded


110. It will _____ time if we make the sandwiches the day before the picnic.

  A. spare          B. save             C. win              D. get


109. He climbed up into the tree and picked all the fruit _____ reach.

  A. near          B. within            C. inside            D. at

