0  420425  420433  420439  420443  420449  420451  420455  420461  420463  420469  420475  420479  420481  420485  420491  420493  420499  420503  420505  420509  420511  420515  420517  420519  420520  420521  420523  420524  420525  420527  420529  420533  420535  420539  420541  420545  420551  420553  420559  420563  420565  420569  420575  420581  420583  420589  420593  420595  420601  420605  420611  420619  447090 

15.The man entered the room and looked everywhere ________ in search of something.

A.so that              B.even if       C.as if         D.in case


14.The noise of the traffic makes my head________.How I wish I were not on the road.

A.pain                B.hurt         C.ache            D.wound


13.The children ran away________all directions the moment they caught sight of their teacher coming near.

A.in                  B.to           C.from         D.off


12.________,I have never seen anyone who is as capable as David.

A.As I have traveled so much              B.As long as I have traveled much

C.Now that I have traveled much           D.Much as I have traveled


11.________ at the theatre,he found the ticket his friend gave him was left at home.

A.To arrive             B.On arriving

C.While arrived         D.On arrived


10.What do you think of the suggestion ________ he offered us________ we go to New York for our holiday?

A.what;that           B.which;which

C.that;that            D.that;what


9.What the doctor warned us is that the ________ sleep may cause anger,poor memory and poor concentration.

A.want in              B.plenty of

C.lack in              D.lack of


8.The girl,almost________ to death at the sight of the snake,shut her eyes and dared not have a second look at it.

A.frightening           B.was frightened

C.frightened            D.having frightened


7.Although she has a lot of problems,she manages to remain ________.

A.optimistic            B.cautious

C.concerned            D.anxious


6.(2009年陕西宝鸡模拟)________to train his daughter in English,he put an ad like this in the paper “________,an English teacher for a ten­year­old girl”.

A.Determined;Wanted    B.Determined;Wanting

C.Determine;Wanted     D.Determining;Wanting

