0  420693  420701  420707  420711  420717  420719  420723  420729  420731  420737  420743  420747  420749  420753  420759  420761  420767  420771  420773  420777  420779  420783  420785  420787  420788  420789  420791  420792  420793  420795  420797  420801  420803  420807  420809  420813  420819  420821  420827  420831  420833  420837  420843  420849  420851  420857  420861  420863  420869  420873  420879  420887  447090 

31. Mrs. Black didn’t think the little boy was to blame, so she stood up ______ him.  

A. in honor of    B. in defence of  C. in charge of    D. in praise of  


30. Mr. Wang, _____ in bad health, is always well prepared no matter how many students attend his lecture.  

A. though    B. when C.  if      D. once  


29. The girl wanted to chat online with her friends this evening, but her mother told her _____.  

A. not to do     B. not   C. not to    D. to not  


28.Without my glasses, I couldn’t ____ whether that figure on the blackboard was a three or an eight.   

  A. make out   B. make up   C. make for    D. make off   


27. Last autumn, when I went to New York for further study, I _______ the girl who’s now my wife.

A. made the acquaintance of    B. made full use of

C. made the most of         D. made effort o


26. “I    in the room, watching TV broadcast about the earthquake.” I told the policeman who had driven here to question me.  

A. was staying   B. stay    C. stayed      D. am staying  


25. The result was far beyond _____we had expected, ____brought great joy to every one of us.  

A. that; which    B. than; that     C. what; what  D. what; which  


23. Never in my wildest dreams      these people are living in such poor condition.  

A. I could imagine    B. could I imagine  C. I couldn’t imagine  D. couldn’t I imagine  

24 -I just wonder     that made Mark Twain so famous a writer.  

-Of course his early experiences.  

A. it was what    B. what he did   C. how he did       D. what it was  


22.      the weather, the sports meeting will be held on time.  

A. In favor of B. Regardless of      C. Apart from    D. Due to  



21. The poor are usually ___ to each other. Even if they are not full, they will give their food to others.  

A. useful     B. shallow    C. careful    D. generous    

