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271. Although he hasn't any formal qualifications, Betas _____ to do well for himself.

A. managed  B. succeeded  C. arranged  D. convinced

[答案]a. managed.

[注释]manage to do sth.(=succeed in doing sth.)设法做成某事:1)He managed to escape to South America.(他设法逃到了南美。) 2)We managed to get what we wanted, anyhow.(我们反正设法得到了需要的东西。) 3)Do you suppose you can manage to get me a passport?(你能设法给我弄到一份护照吗?)

本题译文:虽然他没有正式的资力,但他收入很多。Do well for oneself吃香,收入多,改善自己的社会地位。


270. John always tries to _____ people who are useful to him professionally.

A. develop B. provoke C. correspond  D. cultivate

[答案]D. cultivate.

[注释]cultivate sb.结识(有地位的人),培养与......的友谊:He always tries to cultivate rich and famous people.(他总是极力结识有钱的知名人士。)



269. What a terrible experience! _____ , you are safe, that's the main thing.

A. Somehow  B. Anyhow  C. Somewhat  D. Anywhere

[答案]B. Anyhow.

[注释]anyhow(at= any rate; in any case)无论如何,不管怎样。


268. He has recently _____ chess to provide himself with some relaxation.

A. taken on B. taken up  C. held on D. held up

[答案]B. taken up.

[注释]take up开始从事。take on参阅Ⅲ,162,171注释。hold on, hold up参阅Ⅲ,162,171注释。


267. It has been decided that this company has the _____ right to print Mr. Smith's novels.

A.eventual  B.versatile  C.extensive  D.exclusive

[答案]D. exclusive.

[注释]exclusive(=reserved to the person(s) concerned)独有的;This bathroom is for the president's exclusive use.



266. Jim's close _____ to his brother made people mistake them for one another.

A. confusion  B. similarity  C. resemblanceD. imitation

[答案]C. resemblance.

[注释]resemblance n. 像(to)。 resemble(vt.)像; She resembles her mother.(=She takes after her mother.)



265. I think we should let Maria go camping with her boyfriend. _____, she's a big girl now.

A. Above all B. After all C. First of all D. For all

[答案]B. After all.

[注释]after all毕竟。

“for all + 名词”意为“尽管”: For all his wealth, he was unhappy.(尽管他富有,但他并不幸福。)


264. During World War II Malta managed to _____ most of Italian and German bombers by throwing up an effective anti-aircraft screen.

A. put out  B. shut out  C. come across D. get across

[答案]B. shut out.

[注释]shut out(=prevent from coming in; block)排除,排斥:They shut out our dust by having double windows.(他们用双层窗户防尘。)

put out扑灭;get across越过;使人了解;come across偶然遇到。



263. The room was so quiet that she could hear the _____ of her heart.

A. hitting   B. beating   C. tapping  D. knocking

[答案]B. beating.

[注释]beating 此处是动名词,指“(心)跳”:Her heart was beating furiously.


262. The new safety regulations were agreed on after _____ with the work-force.

  A. conference    B. participation

  C. intervention   D. consultation

[答案]D. consultation.

[注释]consultation商议:hold a consultation with sb. about sth.(与某人商谈某事)。


