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291. Tell your brother to come _____, because it's going to rain in a minute or two.

A. indoors   B. outdoors   C. outward   D. inwards

[答案] A. indoors

[注释] 按句子的逻辑意思应选indoors adv. 向屋里;在屋里,inwards adv,向内,向中心,outward 向外。outdoors 是 indoors 的反义词。

本文译文: 叫你兄弟进屋来,因为天马上要下雨了.


290. A successful scientist needs _____ if he wants to make hypothesis (假设) of how processes work and how events take place.

  A. permission   B. penetration

  C. imagination   D. convention

[答案] C. imagination.

[注释] imagination 想象力;penetration 穿透;permission 允许; convention 惯例,常规。


289. This year the farmers were just able to gather in the _____ before the fine weather came to an end.

A. collection   B. harvest   C. flower   D. plant

[答案] B. harvest.

[注释] gather in “收获(庄稼)”: The farmers are gathering in the corn.


288. He hated the war so much that he decided to leave the army _____.

  A. for long   B. once in a while

  C. for good   D. once upon a time

[答案] C. for good.

[注释] for good (=permanently)永久地:He says he's leaving the country for good. for long 长久地。按本题题意,用 for long 不妥。once upon a time 从前。once in a while 偶尔。


287. We suddenly saw the bus about to leave and had to run _____ to catch it.

A. hardly   B. awkwardly   C. hard   D. strongly

[答案]C hard.

[注释]run hard意为“使劲跑”,句中hard是副词。Hardly“几乎不“,是否定副词,与本题不符。


286. Be careful how you _____ that jug, it will break very easily.

 A. pour  B. operate  C. handle  D. employ

[答案]C. handle.

[注释]handle意为“用手拿......”:Wash your hands before you handle my books.


285. If we can _____ our present difficulties, then everything should be all right.

A. get off  B. come across  C. come over  D. get over

[答案]D. get over.

[注释]get over (difficulties)克服(困难)。


284. Many university courses are not really _____ to the needs of students or their future employers.

A.associated  B. relative  C. geared  D. sufficient

[答案]C. geared.

[注释]be geared to与......相连接的,与......搭配得上的。Be relative to与......有关的:This is not relative to the accident.(这和这次事故无关。)本题意指courses(课程)是否与needs(需要)挂得上钩,而不是一般得有点关系,故应选geared.


283. Some areas, _____ their severe weather conditions, are hardly populated.

A. due to B. but for C. in spite of D.with relation to

[答案]A. due to.

[注释]due to由于。有些语言专家认为due to引导的短语,在句中只能作表语,如:1)His absence was due to the storm. 2)The delay was due to heavy traffic. 3)This accident was due to his carelessness.但现代英语里due to引导的短语可以作状语用,如:He failed due to carelessness. Due to heavy traffic, he was late for an hour or so.


282. When the little child caught sight of the young woman _____ in white he started brawling immediately.

A. dressed  B. wearing  C. worn  D. putting on

[答案]A. dressed.

[注释]be dressed in 穿这......衣服。Wear意为“穿着”是及物动词,语法结构上与本题不符。Put on穿上,强调的动作。

