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22. The world has been shaken by a huge financial crisis since 2007; thanks to each country’s powerful policies, the international trade is improving _________ day by day.

A. in short          B. in all                C. in turn              D. in general


21.We all think _________ impossible that he should be so impolite.

A. this             B. that             C. it                      D. which


20.Please write your composition _________ line to leave space for the teacher’s correction.

A. one another       B. every other       C. any other            D. each other


19.All of us must remember that we are here to add_________ we can to life, not to get _________ we want from it.

A. that ;what            B. what; which       C. what ;what              D .which that


18.----Don’t you think telling the truth and being honest are good qualities?

  ----Yes , of course. Those who lie and cheat will never _________ it.

A. get away from     B. get away with      C. get out of            D. get into


17. He found it hard for Alan to focus on his teachers for longer than five minutes, _________ if the lecture was boring.

A. extremely            B. especially        C. basically             D. naturally


16. His best movie, _________ won several awards, was about the life of Gandhi.

A. it               B. this             C. what                   D .which


15. The twins are of similar _________ in music, though they are quite different in character.

A. hobby               B. choice              C. taste                   D. sight


14. Now people all over the world are _________the terrible H1N1 flu.

A. advancing     to      B. struggling against  C. arguing with          D. defending from


13. How can the students carry on with the listening test with all that loud noise _________?

A. going on         B. goes on          C. went on             D. to go on

