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2. 插入式定语从句(亦称为混杂式定语从句,即在关系代词与从句中插入一个句子)

I suggest you choose someone who you think is kind and friendly.

He made another great discovery, which I think is very important to science.


1. 分词式定语从句(即先行词与关系代[副]词之间被介词短语,同位语,谓语等分隔开来)

  I was the only person in my office who was invited to the important ball.

  The professor is sleeping who has just comeback from abroad after a journey.

  The world people, especially the people, who’ re friendly to us don’t like war.


3. as 引导的限制性定语从句与其他从句的比较

This is the same book as I lost.这本书和我丢的那本一模一样。(定语从句)  

This is the same book that I lost.这本书就是我丢的那本。(定语从句)  

This is such an interesting book as we all like./ This is so interesting a book as we all like.  这是大家都喜欢的如此有趣的一本书。(定语从句)

This is such an interesting book that we all like it. / This is so interesting a book that we all like it.  这本书如此有趣,大家都喜欢。(结果状语从句)




2.as 引导的非限制性定语从句与it引导的句子。

The earth is round, and it is known to all. 

The earth is round, which is known to all.    

As is known to all, the earth is round.  

It is known to all that the earth is round. 

as 具有“正如”之意,搭配的动词一般是固定的,如:as you know/ as you see/ as we planned/ as we expected/ as is reported...



I am reading Harry Porter, which is an interesting book. (非限制性定语从句)

He failed in the exam. That made his parents angry.   (单句)

He failed in the exam, which made his parents angry.  (非限制性定语从句) 

He has two sons.  Both of them are teachers.

He has two sons, both of whom are teachers.



. some of them

                  ; some of them      

1)   I pick up the apples      and / but some of them    were bad.

Most of them

;some of them

2)   I have some students      and most of them     are from Beijing.                 

,most of whom

注意:不可拆分的动词短语介词不能提前,如put up with;有的短语可能有不同的介词搭配,此时需要根据上下文来确定。如:be familiar with / to ; compare with / to.


当先行词为表示时间的名词(如:time, day, year, week, month, occasion)或地点的名词(如:place, room, city, country)时,一般用关系副词 when 或 where. 分别相当于in which, at which, on which。但是当这些表示时间或地点的名词作从句的宾语时,则要用关系代词that 或which。

I can't forget the days when (in which) I lived with you.

Can you tell me the day when (on which) the first satellite was sent into space?

China is the only country where (in which) wild pandas can be found.

I’ll never forget the village where I spent my childhood.

I will never forget the days that (which) I spent in Peking University.

(点拨:本句days 作spend 的宾语,故用关系代词that / which )

I have never been to Beijing, which but I hear about .


非限定性定语从句不能用that引导, 一般用引导词which / as或who



As we all know, the moon is a satellite of the earth.

The large area is covered with thick snow, which affects people's life greatly.

His speech, which bored us to death, was over at last.

Her sister, who lived in another city, was coming to visit her.



3.当定语从句为最高级时只能用of which,否则用其他介词

I have five dictionaries of which Longman Dictionary is the best.

I have five dictionaries among which Longman Dictionary is published in UK. 



当先行词表示“领域、方面”时,如:aspect, respect, area, field等,用 in which;

当先行词表示“价格、利率、速度”时,如:rate, price, speed 等,用 at which;

当先行词表示“程度”时,如:degree, extent等,用 to which;

当先行词表示“根据、依据、基础”时,如:grounds, foundation, basis等,用 on which;

The speed at which the machine operates is shown on the meter.

It is useful to be able to predict the extent to which a price change will affect supply and demand.



 This is the college in which I am studying.

 He is the man about whom we are talking.


7.why引导表示原因的定语从句,其先行词一般是reason。当主句主语是reason时,作主句表语的成分不能有because和because of 。其结构一般为the reason why…is that…,或者 the reason that … is that…,如:

He did not tell us the reason why he was late again.

The reason why (that)he didn't come is that he was ill.


在“介词+which / whom”的结构中,介词的选择取决于三种情况:

