0  422164  422172  422178  422182  422188  422190  422194  422200  422202  422208  422214  422218  422220  422224  422230  422232  422238  422242  422244  422248  422250  422254  422256  422258  422259  422260  422262  422263  422264  422266  422268  422272  422274  422278  422280  422284  422290  422292  422298  422302  422304  422308  422314  422320  422322  422328  422332  422334  422340  422344  422350  422358  447090 

26. Many CD companies had intended to get much from the business, but it ____ so bad.

 A. made out   B. turned out 

 C. went out   D. carried out


25. The poor woman with her two children _____ in a street corner.

 A. was seen beg  

 B. were seen beg 

 C. were seen begging 

 D. was seen begging


24. Almost nobody can stand ______ fun of before a crowd of people.

 A. to be made   B. to make 

 C. being made   D. making


23. Don’t be worried. The repairs are ____ , so it will be OK very soon.

 A. in the way   B. on the way 

 C. under way   D. by the way


22. ______, so she had to be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.

 A. Being ill    B. Her mother was ill 

 C. Her mother being ill  D. Having been ill


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.With drink and food _____, the prison had to walk out of the cave where he was hiding.

 A. running out    B. using up 

 C. to use up     D. run out




James, a lucky man
Event: James’ plane Boeing 703 to New York
    crashed near 18.______________.
Result: James missed the flight and escaped from
    19. ____________.
Reasons: ⑴ His clock stopped at 20. ____________.
     ⑵ The taxi driver worked very late that night
       so he got up very late the next morning.


30. B

occur to sb :come into a person’s mind想到.想起。侦探突然想起百万富翁有可能被他女儿所杀;happen to sb某人发生了什么事。故选B

