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Text 6

W; McDonald Restaurant .May I help you?

M: I’d like to book a table.

W: How many people?

M: Just two.

W: What time?

M: 8:00.

W: I am sorry .There aren’t any tables available at 8:00. But we can give you one at 7:00 or 9:00.

M: All right. 9:00 then.

W: May I have your name please?

M: Miller.

W: A table for 2 at 9:00 for Mr. Miller.

M: Thank you.

Text 7

W: Mother’s birthday will come soon. We’d better buy her a nice present.

M: What’s the date today?

W: It’s April 18.

M: Oh, her birthday is half a month away. Why should we buy it so early?

W: You must have forgotten that we will be in Tokyo on holiday then.

M: Oh, thank you for reminding me of that .What shall we buy then?

W: What about a gold necklace or a pearl one?

M: Oh, no. She has too many necklace. What about an MP3?

W: Ok. Let’s go and choose one.

Text 8

M: Hello, Mary. Why are you standing here in the cold?

W: I’m waiting for a bus, but the buses are very full at this time of the day.

M: Where are you going? This isn’t your way home. You must take a bus form the other side of the street to go home.

W: I’m not going home now. I’m going for a walk in the park. I always like to go for a walk before lunch.

M: Then why aren’t you going there on foot? It isn’t very far.

W: Oh, no, Bill. It isn’t very interesting to walk through the streets; in fact, it’s very boring. So I always take Bus No. 3.

Text 9

W: I just talked to Ann and now I feel like crying.

M: Why cry? She’s getting married next week, isn’t she? A wedding is a happy time.

W: That’s what I mean. I feel so happy for her that it almost makes me cry.

M: You can wait until next week to cry. Right now you’d better pack up this gift.  You’re going to the wedding shower tonight, aren’t you?

W: That’s right. I forgot to wrap the gift.

M: What will you do at the shower besides giving gifts? Will there be any food served?

W: Oh, sure! There’ll be cake, sandwiches , coffee and so on. All the women will be talking about their own wedding and Ann might show us her weddings dress. She’ll be wearing the same dress that her mother wore when she got married.

M: Weddings sure are romantic, aren’t you?

W: So are honeymoons. A week from now she’ll be lying on the each in Bermuda while we’re clearing the slow off the yard.



Text 1

W: Sandy! You are lucky to have been studying as the student who will to Cambridge next month.

M: Thank you .

Text 2

M: Shall we go to the theatre on Saturday?

W: Well, what I’d really like is to see a film, but I have to go to a lecture.

Text 3

W: How can I get to the supermarket from here?

M: You can go by bus or by taxi, but it’s not too far. Maybe you’d like to walk.

Text 4

W: This coat costs 50 dollars.

W: I’ve only got 45 dollars with me. I’ll come again tomorrow if I have time.

Text 5

W: Hi, what’s in your hands?

M: Coloured eggs.







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I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether it is necessary for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school….



