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25  下列加点词的解释不正确的一项是(2分)

    A.分当引决(本当、应当)     层见错出(看见)

    B.会使辙交驰(适逢)       不辩牛马(分辨)

    C.不抚壮而弃秽兮(循、握持)   董之以严刑(督责)

    D.亡郑以陪邻(增加)       宏兹九德(扩大:弘扬)


    A.恐年岁之不吾与        失其所与

    B.殆例送死           吾非至于子之门则殆矣

    C.人君当神器之重        君人者减能见可欲

    D.遂与秦王会渑池        臣尝从大王与燕王会境上


    A.吾其还也           越国以鄙远,君知其难也

    B.以其无礼丁晋         以一璧之故逆强秦之欢

    C.将焉取之           子亦有不利焉

    D.渊不深而望流之远       激丁义而死焉者也


    A.为巡船所物色        B.而君幸于赵王

    C.贪丁财货,好美姬     D.若属今为之虏矣


Every morning John goes to work by a train He always           86.

buys a newspaper, it helps to make the time pass more            87.

quickly. One Thursday morning,he turned on the sports         88.

page. He wanted to see the report about an important            89.

football match the night before The report was such interesting     90.

that he forgot to get off at his station He didn’t know it when      91.

he saw the sea He got off at the next station. and had to          92.

wait long time for a train to go back of course,he arrived        93.

very lately at the office His boss was very angry when Tom           94.

told him why he was late. "Work is very more important than      95.


附加题(共20小题;每小题0. 5分,满分10分)


Once upon a time there was a child ready to be  1 . He asked God how he could live on earth  2 so small and helpless. God replied that he had chosen one of the many 3 to take care of him. But the child 4 sure if he really wanted to go

He  5  and asked. “What  6  I Can’t understand people around me?”

God patted his head and said. “She will teach you the most beautiful and sweet words you will 7 hear.”

 “And what am I going to do when I want to 8 to you?”

God  9 to answer that question too,“She will place your hands together and will teach you how to  10

 “I’ve heard that on earth there are bad men. Who will  11  me?”

 “She will. even if it  12 risking her life!”

 “But l will be sad because I will not see you 13. ”the child continued warily.

God smiled,“She will often speak of me and will teach you the  14  for you to come back to me ever though I will always be  15 to you. ”

At that moment,there Was much 16 in Heaven,but voices from the earth could already be heard The child knew he had to start on his  17  very soon. He asked God one more question,softly, “Oh God,if l am about to leave now, please tell me her  18  . ”

God touched the child  19 the shoulder and answered,“It’s not hard to remember. You


85. 请对你的羞耻行为作个解释,不然我饶不了你.

Please    your shameful behavior, or I won’t have you               that.

