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28.______she was afraid at that time, she would have said no to the plan.

A. But for    B. If    C. But that    D. When

请问该题选什么? 为什么? 该句如何解释?

答: But for “要不是”, 表示与过去或现在事实相反的条件(虚拟条件), 全句翻译为: 要不是他当时害怕, 他就不会同意那个计划.


27. They had a pleasant chat---a cup of tea.

A. for   B. with    C. during    D. over

该题答案是D. 请问选C为什么不可以?

答: 这里用到over这个介词的比喻意义---“在…的时候”, over a cup of tea=while having a cup of tea: 而during不能表达这个意思.

类似的用法: to hold a meeting over dinner吃饭时开会;

relaxing over a glass of wine一边喝酒一边休息.


26. ---I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I’ll make shorter work of this.

  --- ______ I’m not in a hurry.

A. Take it easy       B. Take your time

C. Not at all        D. Do as you please

答案是B. 选A行吗?

答: 题干中信息句I’ll make shorter work of this的意思是: 我会尽快做完这件事.

Take it easy是 “别紧张、放松点”的意思.

Take your time是 “别着急、慢慢来”的意思.

显然这个语境中只能用Take your time..


25. We ______ several houses but haven’t bought one yet.

A. looked into   B. looked through   C. went over   D. went through

答: 答案: went over

  go over 有 “察看” 的意思, 用英文解释: to visit and examine



24. Read more poem slowly, with a slight _____ at the end of each line.

A. rest   B. stop   C. pause   D. space

该题答案是C, 我不明白, 麻烦老师解释一下!

答: 题干中 “略作停顿”的意思, 答案:pause, pause有 “暂停(以后会继续)”的意义;stop 是 “停止”的意思


23. The problem of over fishing is spreading. Since _______ can fish, _____ people do.

A. anyone, many   B. no one, some   C. someone most   D. anyone, any

答: 答案A.

since引导的是原因状语从句, 主句中do是代动词---代替前面的动词fish. 句意是: 由于任何人都会捕鱼, 所以很多人捕鱼


22. I won’t pay 200 dollars for the coat: it’s not worth ______.

A. that much all   B. that all much   C. all that much   D. much all that

请问老师该题选什么? 为什么?

答: 选C. all that much. all作副词修饰 that much.


21. He was wandering in the park, ______ his time watching the children playing.

A. sparing  B. killing

答: B. kill one’s time 固定短语, “消磨时间”的意思.


20. You can’t imagine what great trouble they have ______ the problem ______.

A. to solve; being discussed        B. solving; being talked about

答: B. solving; being talked about

前一空是固定短语: have great trouble/ difficulty (in) doing sth . 后一空是-ing短语作定语.


19. 这句话如何翻译Man is born free yet everywhere he is in chains.

答: 人生来是自由的然而现在却无处不戴着锁链.

