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28. The Smiths went on business, _____ their eldest child __________ the house.

  A. leaving, in charge of                    B. left, in the charge of 

  C. leaving, in the charge of       D. left, in charge of


27. _________ you have got a chance, you should make full use of it.

  A. After       B. Now that      C. Although      D. As soon as


26. _____ is hard to imagine what life would be like without water and electricity.

   A. As           B. What          C. It            D. That


25. --- Don’t you believe me? I am not joking this time.

--- _________, I won’t believe _______ you say.

   A. No, whatever    B. No, no matter    C. Yes, whatever    D. Yes, no matter what


24. --- Is this a really difficult problem to deal with?

--- Yes, it is a special situation we do not ________ very often.

A. come about        B. come across     C. come up        D. come out


23. --- The movie has been on for 10 minutes. We missed the beginning of it.

   --- Yes. We ____________a little earlier.

   A. should have come  B. should come     C. come          D. came


22. --- Linda, are you going to Barbara’s wedding party tomorrow?

   --- Of course, I _______ if _________.

   A. am, shall be invited               B. shall, being invited C. will, I’ll be invited  D. am, I am invited



21. All the preparations for the task ___________, and we are ready to start.

   A. completed       B. have been completed              C. has been completed  D. complete


15.的计算可采用如图5所示的算法,则图中①处应填的条件是      .



14.设有一个边长为2的正方形,将正方形各边中点相连接得到第二个正方形,再将第二个正方形各边中点连接得到第三个正方形,…,依此类推,这样一共得到了10个正方形.则这10个正方形面积和      . 

