0  425573  425581  425587  425591  425597  425599  425603  425609  425611  425617  425623  425627  425629  425633  425639  425641  425647  425651  425653  425657  425659  425663  425665  425667  425668  425669  425671  425672  425673  425675  425677  425681  425683  425687  425689  425693  425699  425701  425707  425711  425713  425717  425723  425729  425731  425737  425741  425743  425749  425753  425759  425767  447090 

44. A. appreciated   B. expected          C. depended         D. evaluated


43. A. filled      B. torn            C. worn            D. settled


42. A. challenge                    B. adventure          

C. experience                 D. opportunity


41. A. convince    B. teach            C. comfort          D. serve


40. A. words     B. places           C. roles           D. choices


39. A. conversations  B. considerations            C. locations          D. situations


38. A. careful         B. hopeful           C. helpless           D. useless


37. A. rhythmical                 B. loud           

C. irregular                   D. harmonious


36. A. added      B. hooked           C. put            D. held


55.A.facts          B.states          C.rights          D.actions

答案  36.A  37.C  38.B  39.D  40.C  41.B  42.A  43.C  44.D  45.A  46.C  47.A  48.B  49.D  50.D  51.B  52.C  53.A  54.B  55.D

Passage 14


After my brother's serious heart attack, he lay in a coma(昏迷) in the hospital. Tubes and wires  36  him up to machines that kept him alive. The only sound in his room was the   37  whoosh(呼呼声) of the pump forcing air into his lungs. My sister--in--law stood by,   38  

As a minister I had been with families in similar  39  . I had searched for the right  40  , a phrase of hope, trying to  41  them. But this was a new  42 

During these difficult days, my sister-- in-- law and I were  43  between hope and resignation. We  44  every visitor. We were grateful for their stories of people who had   45  comas and return to  46  . We listened when they talked knowledgeably about the stages of grief. We knew they cared. But many visitors came  47  the door talking, and kept talking. Was that how I had dealt with my nervousness when I didn't know  48  to say?

    Then a/n  49  friend came to visit. He stood with us around the bed, looking at my brother's body. There was a long silence. Suddenly  50  with emotion, he said, "I'm sorry." There was another long pause.  51  , he hugged my sister--in--law and then turned to shake my hand. He held it a  52  longer than necessary and squeezed a little harder than  53  . As he looked at me, tears came to his eyes. And then he left. One week later, my brother died.

   Years  54  passed and I still remember that visitor. I do not recall his name, but I'll never forget how he shared our grief, quietly and  55  and without awkwardness. His few words spoke volumes.

