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35.Korean and Japanese people differ greatly     customs and manners.

    A.on            B.from          C.by            D.in


34.Please don’t be    by the text messages saying that you have won a shocking prize.

    A.taken off       B.taken out       C.taken away      D.taken in


33.She is such a crazy soccer fan    she downloaded every match in the World Cup 2010 from the Internet.

    A.as            B.that           C.which         D.who


32.--- The bridge    outside the school annoys the students awfully.

   --- Actually, we don’t know when it will be completed.

    A.to be built      B.to build        C.being built      D.having been built


31.United Nations urged the country to give up the nuclear plan    stability and peace.

    A.in exchange for                  B.in bid for

    C.in terms of                      D.in search of


30.The judges highly praised the two movies in Venice Film Festival,    are Chinese.

    A.their directors                   B.the directors of which

    C.who’s directors                   D.the directors of them

